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After cursing jimin under his breath.. He walked to the school gate and took a minute to admire the school.. As he entered the school he saw many students walking and playing around.. Some were teasing each other ...even though it was quite early many students were already in the school

Suga straight went to the principals office and introduced himself and went back to his class... On his way he saw many students staring at him... It was obvious that he was new in the school... Although suga hated the unnecessary attention he was getting. . He went inside the class and he found a seat near the window in last row.. He happily went over and sat on the bench and started listening to songs until teacher arrived! He accidentally fell asleep while listening to the song

After few minutes he heard students wishing the teacher good morning.. .. He immediately put his earphones and phone in his bag and stood up to wish the teacher


teacher:- good morning students.. And when will you'll stop singing this good morning song?? You'll are grown up now!

Student:- sorry teacher

Teacher:- I heard that there is a new student in the class... Is the person here?

(Suga sighed and put his hand up grabbing all the attention to himself)

Suga:- good morning mam .. I am suga and i am the new to this school.. Please treat me well..

Teacher:- well... Good morning suga.. And hope you enjoy your academic year ahead.... Be a good student😊

(Suga nodded and took his seat... Little did he know that there was someone who was watching him...)

(After the class was over the teacher called suga to the staff room.... As suga followed the teacher to the staff room.. He saw other teachers and bowed to them wishing them good morning)

Teacher:- okay now suga... I want you to know the schools rules and regulations very clearly and i want you to take a look at the school and become familiar with this school

Suga:- okay mam

Teacher:- i have already informed the class representative to guide you in the school premises... He will show you all the things in This school.. If you have any problem feel free to ask him 😊

Suga:- yes mam thank you 🙂 have a great day mam... Now I'll leave mam

Teacher:- okay... Oh wait the class representative is here...

(Suga turned to see who the class representative was and he was totally Shocked to see the person standing in front of him smiling brightly)

Suga:- what!? Fuck nooo! (Suga muttered slowly)

Teacher:- jimin he is the new student i was talking about  ... Please take him and guide him to our school premises and also tell him the rules of this school😊

Jimin:- yes mam... Have a great day mam and you the new student
Suga:- *glaring at him* suga!

Jimin :- ahh yes suga please come with me *leaving with a  smirk*

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