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On the other side jk came out after getting freshed up ... He came downstairs ... He did not see suga and jimin so he went to kitchen

Jk:- aunt do you need help with anything?

Suga's mom:- oh jk... No no I am almost done

Jk:- ohh okay aunt... Please let me know if you need help with anything

Suga's mom:- sure.... Jk how  do you know suga?

Jk:- ehh? I just met him on the bus.. Then in school... Today was my first day of school

Suga's mom:- ohh is it?

Jk:- but why aunt?

Suga's mom:- oh that's becoz he doesn't have any friends... He also likes to be alone most of the time ... So I was worried if he will never make friends... But seeing ya'll I guess I will not have to worry....

Jk:- sure aunt... We will take care of him don't worry ☺

Suga's mom:- okay... Jk.. Can you do me a favour??

Jk:- yes aunt of course!

Suga's mom:- I made soup for tae... Can you keep this in his room?? Once he gets up he can have it.. It's not good for him to sleep on empty stomach

Jk:- sure aunt!

Suga's mom:- you sure love him so much

Jk:- ☺

Jk goes to suga's room... He sees tae trying to get up from his bed

Jk:- woah woah... Easy easy....Stop tae don't get up!

Tae :- jj-kkk... Where am I?

Jk:- your at suga hyungs place.. Now don't get up from the bed.. You'll only make it more worse for yourself

Tae:- okk-k

Jk puts a pillow behind taes back so that he can sit comfortably

Jk:- here I brought soup for you... Suga hyung's mom made this for you.

Tae:- uh? Soup?? But ... Can you drop me home.. I don't want to be a burden for them

Suga's mom enters from behind

Suga's mom:- your not a burden tae ... Think of this  as your house and rest... Think of me as your mom ... Feel comfortable

Tae:- mom?? 🥺I never had one.... Thank you for saying that I can think of you as mom 😭

Suga's mom:- ohh I am sorry for you tae... But as long as I am there.. You can call me mom ☺

Jk:- aunt then can I also call you mom.. Becoz I don't have a mom too🥺

Suga's mom:- ohh sure jk

Tae:- then aunty can jimin also call you mom becoz he also doesn't have a mom 🥺

Jk:- * chuckle* (he's cuteee)

Suga's mom:- *chuckle*your cute 🤭 of course he can call me mom *I asked him to call me mom on the first day itself🤭

Suga's mom:-okay... But jk can you wait here?? I'll go bring your dinner too here... I feel we should eat together... It will be good ... I'll call suga and jimin too

Jk:- okay mom ☺

Suga's mom:- ☺

Tae:- jimin came?? Where is he?

Jk:- probably talking with suga hyung

Tae :- are you sure they are talking? I guess they must be bickering by now.

Jk:- I guess your right!

Tae:- hmm.. Jk... Thankyou..

Jk;- what for *while mixing the soup to let it cool*

Tae:- for saving me 🥺

Jk:- I will save you from all the dangers... So don't thank me... You should never thank your boy friend

Tae:-😑 you are not my boy friend!

Jk:- oh right... Not yet but. Will be soon

Tae:- why do you go around saying people that I will be your boyfriend soon

Jk:- becoz I believe you will one day be my boyfriend

Tae:- then you should seriously stop believing What your thinking

Jk:- I don't want tooo

Tae *sigh*

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