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Jimin quitely walks in the washroom where no one is there..... Jimin looks  at himself in the mirror and sighs

Jimin:- jiminnnn you didn't just had to bluff out everything there in front of suga hyunggg! 😩

Suga:- i don't mind though 😌

Jimin:- ommo 😨 ahh you scared me hyung! *hits suga with elbow*

Suga:- wae? What's wrong if I know what you feel?

Jimin:- I wanted to confess in a nice way  😔

Suga :- don't be sad ... *lifts jimins face * as long as you say it... It's special to me... Right now this washroom is also looking special to me 😈😏

As suga says this he comes forward with which jimin moves backwards and his back hits the sink.. Suga places both his hands on the sinks edge blocking jimin from running away

Jimin;- h-hyungg? .. What are you doing? Anyone can come in ! 😳

Suga:- i really don't care😏😈

Jimin slightly pushes suga

Jimin;- stop it

Suga:- okay on one condition!

Jimin:+ what?

Suga:- just tell me that you like me!

Jimin:- i already told you when you were drunk... In fact I told you something more imp than "I like you"

Suga;+ you did? Really? I don't remember anything! 😫

Jimin:- so you don't remember things when your drunk? .. It's okay your loss

Jimin starts to walk outside when suga pulls jimin and pins him to the wall tightly

Jimin:- hyungg😳

Suga:- your not going anywhere until you tell me what did you tell me last night!

Jimin:- hyung that's not fair 😫

Suga:; you know that "everything is fair in love and war" 🤷🏻‍♂️

Jimin:- whatever just leave me!

Suga:+ are you saying or no? 😈

Jimin:- okay do you really want to hear?

Suga:; yes.

Jimi  leans forward near suga's ear

Jimin :- i told you....

Suga:- hmm yess? Next?

Jimin:- it's a suspense 🤣🤣🤣

Suga;+ aishhhh!

Jimin:; okay okay I'll say it!

Suga:- come on! No more tricks now!

Jimin:- i told.... Hyung I think I am falling for you

Suga:+ oh okay falling for me.... WAIT WHAT?? FALLING FOR MEE?? FOR? FOR ME? 😱😲😳

Jimin:- yes🤭

Suga;- aish! It's hot here! Turn on AC!

Jimin;+ aish hyung! We are in washroom! No AC here!

Suga:- are you serious?

Jimin:- about my feelings or AC?

Suga:+ both

Jimin:+ 🤦🏻‍♂️

Jimin leans forward and kisses suga and pulls back... Suga stared at jimin for few seconds and started to kiss back jimin to which jimin responded quickly... They both kiss for some 5 mins and pull back... Jimin is all red now

Suga - your blushing? 😂

Jimin- no hyunggg *hugs suga and hides his face*

Suga:+ looks like you are.... But... I am so happy that you like me back! 🙂

Jimin:- *looks at sugas face while still hugging him* I told you not like... I told you I fell for you *says innocently*

Suga :- *chuckles* yes yes  ... And I am so happy! *pecks jimin *

Jimin:; okay now let's leave.. Someone might come and then complain about us...
Jimin leaves suga but suga pulls back jimin into hug again

Jimin:- whattt? *looks at sugas face *

Suga :- can't we stay like this for a bit longer? 😟

Jimin:- no hyung..... Someone might see us! Come on now!

Jimin walks away!

Suga :- aishhh!!! Only if this was not a freaking trip I wouldn't leave him! Ah i love him so much! 😫😩

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