45 4 2

Next day morning Tae and hobi were running around in the room that's when suga's sleep was disturbed.... He opened his eyes to see jimin sleeping beside him hugging him like a baby ... Suga was Of course surprised and shocked at first!.. But then he took a clear look at jimin's face features! ... He took a good 5mins time to stare at jimin... That's when a sound interrupted and jimin eyes opened and caught suga staring at him...

Jimin:- hyung.. ? *rubbing his eyes*

Suga's heart races faster so all the does his pulls jimin into a hug do that jimin could not see his burning red face

Jimin:- hyunggggg... I cannot breath!! 😫

Suga :- oh sorry.. *leaves jimin*

Jimin:- hyungggg! What happen??

Suga :- how come you ended up in my room?

Jimin:- don't you remember? You pulled me to sleep with you!

Suga :;- what nonsense! When did I??

Suga slowly realises what happened last night...

Jimin:- hmm... Remember?? Or should I help you gain your memories?

Suga :- ehh.. No!!

Jimin:- hyunggg..   About yesterday...

Suga :- stopp! I did not do anything right?

Jimin:- hyunggg🥺 y-you... Did. Things   to me.... Fo-forcefully😭😭😭 I was crying but still you did not leave me 😭🥺

Suga :- no-no wayyy! I cannot do that! I-im sorry jimin please dont cry..... 😟

Jimin:- 😂😂😂

Suga :- ?

Jimin:- look at your face 😂😂😂 I was just kidding 😂😂

Suga :- you! 😤

Suga hits jimin with a pillow!

Jimin:- ahh 😫 .. Aish hyung!! Last night you were so sweet to me!!

Suga :- whatever you come here! Today your dead!!!

Jimin:- apologize to me otherwise 😈

Suga :- otherwise what??

Jimin:- *plays the video of last night where drunk suga confessed* I have this!! I can just show it to everyone out there😈

Suga :- oh shit!!! 😳 ... Is that me?

Jimin:- yes! It's the great min suga!! 😈

Suga :- jimin be a good boy and give that phone to me!

Jimin:- sorry hyung today I don't want to be good boy! 😈

Suga ;+ really? 😏😈

Jimin:- pervert!! 😳

Suga :+ come on give it to me!!

Jimin:- maybe on one condition!

Suga :- and what is that?

Jimin:- that you should repeat what you said in this video now!

Suga :- are you crazy! That's never happening!

Jimin:- hobi hyung, jin hyung taetae... I have something to show you!!*shouting*

Suga :- okay okay!! I'll say!! Don't shout!!!

Jimin:- 😏 good 😈

Suga :- after I get that phone! Your so dead park jimin!

Jimin:- let's see! 😈... Now repeat!!

Suga :- okayy 😤 j-jiminn... Has my heart😑

Jimin:- not like this hyungggg! Say nicely and also add that uu in heartuuuuuuu.. Not just heart!

Suga :- 😡 .... *sigh* okay! Jimin has my heartuuuu☺😑

Jimin:- shh cuteeee!!! 😂😆

Suga :- now give it to me!! 😑

Jimin:- not so soon ! It's a very big weapon for me! .

Suga :- I knew you would do this!!

Suga pulls jimin and jimin falls on suga... Jimin tries to get up Nd run.. But suga's grip is strong!

Jimin:- hyung! Leave me!

Suga :- you started it 😈

Jimin:- I.... Okay I'll delete the video move!!

Suga :- no! Now keep the video and give me something else! 😈

Jimin:- w-what??

Suga :- k-i-s-s... 😈

Jimin:- you must be crazy hyung!!! .

Suga :- are you giving or no?? ,😡😤

Jimin:& okay okay!! Don't stare like that! Also when you want something you should request not blackmail!! 😤

Suga :- I already told you I am not that lovey dovey type! And should behave like this only with a brat like you!

Jimin:- forget it! I am going! 😑

Suga :- not so soon jimineee

Jimin:- 😳

Suga :- on the count of three.. I want you to kiss me! .. Okay? 😈

Jimin:- uh...

Suga 1.......2.......3

Jimin quickly pecks suga and runs off!

Suga :- 😂😂 he is soo cuteee! ... My jiminn 😫🤍 ... I just want to put him in my pocket and protect him!

Suga :- ommo wait!!! I need to get that video deleted!!! Soon! Let's go suga?!

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