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Time skip .... It's already lunch time! ... They are all going to have lunch in cafeteria...

Tae:- jimin... Where are You going??

Jimin:- I'll have to use restroom.... You walk forward... I join you'll in 5mins

Tae:- okayyy!

Jimin runs for washroom... Suga See's jimin and follows him....

Jimin comes out of the washroom... Checking himself out in the mirror... That's when suga enters the washroom and pins jimin to the wall

Jimin:- what the hell hyung??


Jimin:- i-i- uh-.... (Trying to avoid eye contact with suga)

Suga:- (pulls jimin face closer to him and stare him in his eyes)  I told you.. That you will pay for what you said! 😏

Jimin:- hyungg... Can't you leave me this. time?? It won't happen next time.. Promise!

Suga:- no no no no.... Can't happen

Jimin:- hyung please

Suga:- *leans more closer to jimin* 😏

Suddenly a student enters the washroom...

Student:- uhh... I did not see anything you guys can continue..... (Walks out)

Jimin:- (pushes suga) shit! He saw us!!! ... Now he will get the wrong idea!

Suga:- i dont care.... Next time dont mess with me! Understood??

(This time jimin pulled suga and pinned him to the wall)

Jimin:-*cutely*  hyungg...you just can't leave like that.... You should take the responsibility for what you have done

Suga:- *shocked by jimins actions * wha-what responsibility? 😳

Jimin:- that student who came in just now....thought that we were... Doing something.... So go clear it out...

Suga:- *smirk* why?? I don't want too..😏

Jimin:- hyung don't be like that.... Go and do it now!

Suga:- btw you realise right.? That you just pinned me to the wall?? And your standing very close to me right now.... What if I do something unexpected??

Jimin:- *quickly realises * (let's go off suga and stands far to him.. In a awkward expression) i-i am. Sorry...

Suga:- you might fall into trouble someday... Be carefull *evil smirk and leaves *

Jimin:- what the hell? Did he just warn me?? ... Whatever....😩

Jimin and suga come to the cafeteria and see jk and tae sitting...

Tae:- ohh your here?? What took you so long??

Jimin:- uhh... Nothing...

Suga:+ he was misbehaving with me...

Jimin:- 😲

Tae;- what the fu**... 😦

Jk;- oh man holy shit! 😵


Jimin:- *hits sugas arm* hyungg! What are you saying??

Suga:- i am not lying... He literally pulled me and pinned me... (Cuts of by jimin) (jimin keeps his hand on sugas mouth)

Jimin:- he is speaking all Nonsense... Don't listen to him!!

Tae:- hahah😂 you both are too cute 😄

Jk:-right.. ☺

Suga:- eww... Cute and him?? No way!

Jimin:- haa! ... I am cute! Unlike you🥴

Suga:- hahaha (sarcastic laugh)

They had lunch together and went back to their classes....

Teacher:- students!  We have introduced different clubs in our school... I will be happy if you'll join them and also encourage your friends!...

Student :- mam is this club only for us... Or even seniors can join.?

Teachers;+ this club is organised and introduced by your seniors it self... So be make sure to join different clubs according to your intrest.. Okay??

Students:; okay mam...

After class while walking home

Tae:- jimin-ah which club are you planning to join??

Jimin:- hmm🤔 i think I'll join singing club...

Tae:- i thought the same too.. Let's join together...

Jimin:- jk.. Which club are you joining??

Jk:- i think I'll join singing club to becoz i sing pretty well...

Tae:- 😯

Jimin:- hmm interesting... Let's join together then!

Jk:- what about you suga hyung?

Suga:- i think I'll join music club.... Becoz i am. Good at playing instruments.. So... Yes..

Jk:- ohh nice  . I did not know you even play instruments..

Suga:- it's becoz i never told you 🥴

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