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Mean while when jimin left behind suga... That's when Baekhyung reached hobi and saw jimin left

Hobi:- uh.... 😅

Baekhyung:- it's okay... I already told I did not want to play.... 🙂you go play with them... I'll go back

Baekhyung turned around to leave that's when hobi caught his arm and ran towards the forest...

Baekhyung:- hobi? Where are we going? *while running*

Hobi:- idk... Just follow me! *while running*

Baekhyung:- *what is even going on in his mind? *

Soon they reach a place with a small lake around and silent and peaceful place with beautiful flowers and trees written birds chirping around

Hobi:- woahhh! 😮 its beautiful!!

Baekhyung:- it is indeed! But did you know about this place before?

Hobi:- no... I just dragged you here.. Isn't it beautiful?!?

Baekhyung:- wow....so that means you don't know how to go back to resort ?

Hobi:- not sure 🤔

Baekhyung:- wow... You got us into trouble hobi! 😐 and how are you so cool about it?

Hobi:- forget about your tension and let's talk for a bit!! I have some questions to ask if you don't mind..

Baekhyung sits on the grass hugging his legs... And hobi sits beside him..

Baekhyung:- go on...

Hobi:- you know... Actually we have to find the 5 ribbions and other five suga hyung and jimin will find

Baekhyung:- ohh... I suppose suga is that guy was with jimin...

Hobi:-  y-yes.... 🙁

Baekhyung:- okay... Stop beating the bush around ask me directly what you wnt to know!

Hobi:- I.... I-i want... To... Kn-know....

Baekhyung:- why is jimin scared of me? 😈

Hobi:- y-yes... I-i? Mean.. No... 😶

Baekhyung:- *sad chuckle* actually I am really happy that suga is with him all the time... I wish he never leaves jimin...

Hobi:- wait what? You...

Bakehyung:- I know.... Your surprised? I'll clear all your douts... Ask me all the questions troubling you... 🙂

Hobi:- first of all... Is this the real you?

Baekhyung:- the one who is Speaking to you right now is the real me *sad chuckle* the one who speaks to  Jimin... Is........ Some me which I am not even familiar with..

Hobi:- ohh.. Okay...before knowing about jimin... Can i know what's the relationship between you and jimin?

Baekhyung:- me and jimin? ...... *sad chuckle* what happens when your forced to do something you don't like?

Hobi:- obviously I'll not do it with my whole heart..

Baekhyung:- 🙂 that's a very nice answer... But in my case... It's different...

Story time...  (Baekhyung pov:-)

My father is a biggest gangster in this area... Other Children might be happy and proud that their father is so rich and they can have a luxurious life... But me... I am not like that...

I have been brought up in  a atmosphere where early in the morning instead of peaceful chirping of birds I get to hear sound of gun shots and people's screaming...
I had no mother from when I was little... She left me when I was 6 yrs.... My father loves me alott, that whenever I asked him anything he never refused... He always brought what I need...

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