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Jk:- * why is he not back yet?? I am worried!! ....this boy is so careless! I think I have go to check on him*

(Jk wears a black hoodie and a black mask ,black jeans and gets ready to go out)

Suga:- where are you going jk?

Jk:- just for a walk.... I'll be home soon hyung (with this jk walks off)

Jk walked the whole way till school Tae was nowhere to be seen . . .. Finally he stopped in front of school....

Jk:- ayy no way he is still in school... It's fully dark there.... Should I go in and check once? .... Hmmm I don't feel like to go. . But my instincts are telling me to go in once and check.... Hmm okay let's go!

(Jk walks inside with a torch.... Luckily the security guard was sleeping so his way was clear)

Jk made his way through the classes... He found no one there.... He went to the second floor where there was library... He could slightly hear some silent sobs coming from library...

Jk was smart that he already took the keys of all the classrooms from the staff room and came along... So he slowly unlocked the library door and went inside.... He walked in between some of the book shelfs to see where the sound was coming from... Then he saw a shadow near the Corner of the room where there was a window...

Through which some of the moon lights rays were falling inside the room

Jk went forward to see who was there... His eyes widened to see tae sitting there hugging himself tightly and crying silently...

Tae:- wh-o  i-is  t-th-here?😨😥😭

Jk:- it's me...

Tae:- *this voice* j-jk?? 😭 JK!!! 😭😭😭😭

Tae ran to jk and hugged him very tightly... Jk did not move but just held Tae and let him cry ... Taes face buried in jks chest

Tae:- j-jk...i was... I was so sc-aree-edd 😭😭

Jk:- it's okay I am here now... (Jk wanted to cry... He wanted to hug Tae tightly... But he controlled himself becoz he had to handle Tae at the moment)

Tae:- thankyou.... You... You came... Here😭😭 don't.. Don't leave me and go anywhere.... 😭

Jk:- I am not going Anywhere... Don't worry . . I am with you

Tae:- take me ou-outside🥺😭

Jk:- let's go  come on

Jk and Tae come out of the school making sure the security guard did not see them... Now jk and tae were walking home on the street ... The street was silent with few people... With street lights. (Imagine South korea's  street in night) tae was holding jks hands tightly .. Jk stops at a convenient store ..

Tae:- what happen?

Jk:-* with a  cold voice* we cannot go to home like this... Hyung and jimin will be unnecessarily worried again... So come with me

Tae:- *why is he speaking to me like this 🥺 * o-okay 😞

Jk:- *trust me I don't want to behave this way with you.... But I have to ... Becoz only you'll realise that I am not playing around with you... I am serious when it comes to you and your life... I am sorry but some more days you will see this side of mine *

Jk goes and gets instant noodles and a water bottle for tae...

Jk:- have this and get yourself together....

Tae:- th-hankyyou 😔

Jk sits infront of Tae seeing him eat

Jk:- how can you be so careless? ... Do you think outside world is very safe for you to roam around late?? Can't you be responsible?? If I was not there... You would be trapped there for whole night!

Tae:- n-no 😢 I just wanted to study for some more time in library...

Jk:- why ? ... Is my presence making you uncomfortable in home??

Tae:- n-no that's not what I meant..

Jk:- that's what you meant! Okay fine then.... I'll be out in the evening ... You can study peacefully... Okay?

Tae:- jk .... Why are you concerned and angry at the same time? ... I did not do it wantedly... I did not get a dream that I am going to get locked in library.....

Jk:- becoz you always do what you like and you don't care what people around you feel... You think Everyone around you is playing around!

Jk says this and starts walking! He walks slowly so that tae will follow him....

Tae:- *he is so rude... He did not make any sense right now and also how can he just leave me like that .... Wait ... why is this  bothering you?.. You should be happy that he is not messing with you anymore * (Tae sighs and follows jk silently)

Jk and Tae soon reach their home... Tae was about to ring the bell but jk stopped him by catching his hand

Jk:- it's better not to tell them anything... Becoz they'll unnecessarily get worried... And also next time your going out... Say a word to me Or to anybody in the home and leave... And  also   this ends here.... From this moment I am not talking to you anymore as we decided... Take care

Jk walks inside after saying this

Tae:- 🥺 why is he acting like this.... I am not feeling good... And I did not agree on his decision! ...

Jk hears Tae speak to himself standing behind the door

Jk:- *I am sorry Tae Tae... But this is important... I have to make you fall in love with me... *

Tae and jk come inside .. Suga was reading a book and jimin was watching TV

Suga:- ohh.. You both were together?

Jk:- no hyung... We met outside.... I am tired... I'll go sleep

(Jk walk off).

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