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Tae:- okay now.... Suga hyungs turn!

Jimin:- yes!

Suga:- uh... I don't have anything interesting to say!

Jimin:- this is not a story telling competition.... You just have to say how was your childhood and about Yourself a little hyung!

Suga:- tsk! 😏 okay okay!

Sugas story :-
Okay now I will make it very short and clear..... I , my father and mother use to live in France.... Actually becoz of my father's business we had to change places.. Sometimes it will be australia Or sometimes spain...

Sometimes even Chicago.... And lastly we were in France... It was that day when I confessed to my mom and dad that I was a gay... And my father was not very happy with that confession... He  started treating me very badly... As if I was a dirt in his house... My mom always supported me... But... When some of my friends got to know about my sexuality..

They started bullying me.... I did not even wanted to go to school.... One day my father was beating me to death becoz some of my fathers colleagues got to know about my sexuality and they started making fun of my father...he started hitting me with everything he had in his hand...

That day I nearly thought that it was my death until my mom interfered and stopped my dad.... He even hit my mom badly... That day we ran from the house... For few days after staying at my mom's friends place... My mom filed for a divorce from my father....

She took the divorce and we came back to Korea here to start a new life.... Though I feel bad sometimes that I am the reason why my mom had to get seperated from her husband and also work so hard for me  .. That's when I decided not to meet a lot of people and I should never make friends....

But I don't know why god put me between you clowns 😑 ... Anyways I am thankful that jimin was there to save my mom from a major accident and... I am thankful that my mom finds someone cheerfull and she laughs often becoz of tae and jk ... So I am thankful to you guys 🙂

(After saying his story he turned to see jimin crying silently.....)

Suga:- jii-mm-inn? Why are you crying ?? You told it was not a story telling competition right?? Then why crying? 🤦‍♀️

Jimin:- no... Hyung... I-i feel bad for you... Just becoz your gay.. Your father treated you that way 🥺😭 .... I am sorry for you🥺

Suga:- enough now stop crying...

(places his hand on jimins shoulder)

Jimin:- (still crying) though your bad and though your evil.... Though I don't like you much ... Though your not that bad for this world.. Don't worry hyung .. We'll be with you 🥺😭

Suga:- (removes his hand from jimins shoulders) 😑

Tae:- 🤦‍♀️

Jk:- 🤭😂

Suga:- (staring at jk) 😒😤

Jk:- 😶🤭

Jimin:- ( doesn't stop crying) 

Suga:- okay okay it's already late... Let's get to work.... If you'll have any work you'll can complete it... I don't think jimin will be able to tell his story... Becoz of his condition... I don't even know why he is crying so much!

Jimin:- hyungggggg🥺😭

(Suga gets up and pulls jimins hand)

Suga:- you.... Come. With me....!

Jimin:- where hyunggg?? 🥺😭(still crying)

Suga:- Tae and jk we are going out... Please take care of the house... We'll be back soon... Okay bye!

Jimin:- hyung wait... My slippers!

Suga:- wear them soon....!

(Suga drags jimins hands and heads out of the house)

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