35 3 1

Everyone reached the place after 3long hrs of journey...

Mam:- so students... This is the resort where we'll be staying for 3whole days.. I want everyone to enjoy yourselves to the fullest becoz this is the one and only opportunity.. Okay?

Students:- yes mam!!! Yayyy!!

Mam:- okay now we have to make our own tents... So I'll be diving the teams which will consist of 4 members each

Mam stood with a bowl of chits where each student started picking each...

Tae:- jimin-ahh which number is yours??

Jimin:- mine is 3

Jk:- mine is 1

Tae:- ohhh! We both have the same number jk!

Jk:- 😲 really?? Wahh it must be fate!

Tae:- no! I also want jimin in my team

Suga:- mine is 1 too

Jimin:- 🙁

Suga :- okay let's go and check who are our team mates..

Jimin:- okay *I wanted to be in suga hyung's and tae tae and jks team 😞*

*sigh and jimin goes to his team where unfortunately there is kim baekhyungg...

Jimin suddenly felt cold with fear the moment he saw him *

Kim baekhyung :- wow babe...we both are in a same team😏 seems like it will be fun

Jimin:- y-you?? You were not in the bus... How-w did you end up here?

Kim baekhyung:- well yes... As soon as I heard your there too.. I had to come ASAP... Right??? Jimineee😈

Suga :- stop calling his name with that filthy mouth of yours!

Jimin and baekhyung turn around to see suga standing with his hands in  his pocket with a disgusted look...

Kim baekhyung:- oh look who's here? 😏 jimineee's super hero!

Suga :- *smirk* well true... Jimin's hero who will save him from a monster like you 😏

Kim baekhyung :- 😤

Baekhyung come near to suga and whispers in his ears...

Baekhyungg:- you say whatever you want.. But I can't wait to have him again 😈 .. Just wait and watch where jimin will end up

Suga :- 😠😡 you....

As soon as suga lifts his hand to beat baekhyung... Jimin stops suga and pulls him in a corner..

Suga :- what?? Why did you drag me here?? I would have broken his bones

Jimin:- calm down hyunggg... Let's go back to our teams...

Suga :- what?? Never!! I am not letting you go in a team with him alone!

Jimin:- hyungg... Please... I'll be alright... Please you go.... I'll be okay..

Suga :- no! I brought you here promising to be by your side.. I cannot leave you alone 

Jimin:- no hyung... I should learn how to fight for myself... You should not be the only one to save me... I should also learn and be independent.. Please hyung *puppy face*

Suga :- you and that puppy face of yours... Only for that face I'll let you go! But promise me you'll not go anywhere alone and also .. You will always be in groups not alone! Okay?

Jimin:- yes hyungggggggg promise! You speak so much

Suga :- it's just that I am concerned! ... Be carefull okay??

Jimin:- yes hyung.

Jimin and suga go back to their teams...
Jimin's team consisted of
Hobi and jimin

And suga's team consisted of namjoon, suga, jk and tae

When everyone met their team members

Suga :- ohh namjoon?? You too in our team?

Namjoon:- wow suga!!!! Long time no see broo!

Suga :- I just saw you being all lovey dovey with jin hyung a couple of days back!

Namjoon:- excuse me... Do we know each other?

Suga :- 😂

Namjoon:- 😤

Tae;- how are you namjoonie hyung?

Namjoon:- oh that was cute! ☺

Jk:- 😒😤

Suga:- namjoon-ah! Should I call jin hyung and tell him that your flirting with tae?

Jin :- who is flirting with whom?

Namjoon freezes at the spot hearing his baby's voice 😂

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