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Next day everyone got up early as usual expect for jk and suga!

Jimin:- Tae I guess again these two are sleeping... We should wake him up!

Tae:- hmm...you go and wake them up...

Jimin:- come on tae... If I wake up both it will be a waste of time... You go wake up jk and I'll go wake up suga... Again we shouldn't be in detention right??

Tae:- *sigh* fine...

Tae went to suga's room.... That day suga slept on the couch becoz he was not feeling comfortable with sharing the bed... As he has a habit of sleeping alone...

Tae enters the room ... He sees jk sleeping... Tae goes near jk and sits beside him..

Tae:- *speaking softly* jk.... Why are you acting this way?? I don't know but for some reason I feel bad... I feel hurt.... I don't know what is happening... Don't behave with me that way... Please.. 🥺

Jk:- 😪😴

Tae:- please become like you were before....i was so scared when you yelled at me... You were scary jk.... Don't do this.... I am not sure about my feelings for you... Becoz I think I might slowly fall for you... But I am scared to admit it.... I don't want to be heart broken.... I am scared that you'll break my heart  🥺😭 ...

Jk:- *slowly opening his eyes * 👀

Tae:- (wipes his tears quickly)

Jk:- *sees Tae sitting beside him* (in a cold voice) what are you doing here?

Tae:- i-i came to wake you up ... I-its getting late for school... ☹️

Jk:- then didn't you wake me up?? When did you come here?(in a cold voice)

Tae:- just now... Just a second before you opened your eyes.... 🤐

Jk:- hmmm... Stop wasting your time and can you leave becoz now I have to get ready... 🤨

Tae:- ohh😕 .. O-okay.... I'll leave

Tae leaves the room and comes down.... Meanwhile jk in his room

Jk:- (watching Tae leave) Tae Tae😟 why are you scared of me breaking your heart? ... That means you still did not realised that my feelings are not fake... Why are making this hard for both of us?... Why taetae? ... Can't you just confess... I think I should give you some more time... And I should avoid you for some more days becoz your getting hurt by my behavior 😞 I am sorry taetae... I have no option ....

Jk gets ready and comes down to have breakfast....

Meanwhile near suga and jimin

Jimin:- hyungg! Get up its already late!

Suga :- let me sleep for some more time!!!

Jimin:-* he is repeating what he said yesterday*....hyungggg again we have to go to detention... Get up now!! 

Suga:- (pulls jimins hands and makes him sleep beside him) your too noisy!!

Jimin:- *again he is doing the same things!!! ... That means next he is going to push me down when he realises what he is doing!! * hyunggg! Let me goo!!

Suga:- (about to open his eyes 👀)

Jimin:- *this time I wont fall alone .. He will fall with me too! He should feel the pain too😤*hyunggg!!!!!! 

Suga:- (suga opens his eyes and shocked to see jimin beside him) ..

(Suga was about to push jimin away but jimin caught sugas shirt and both of them fell down On each other . . Suga on top of jimin and accidentally they lips crashed against each other's)

Both of their eyes widened !!! In shock... Quickly jimin pushes suga off him and stands up... Still in shock.... Suga also stands up.. Still in shock

Jimin:- hyunggggg!!!!!! What the hell!

Suga :- what?? I-it was your fault!! You pulled me along with you and I fell on you!!

Jimin:- but still.... How can you do that?😠!!!

Suga :- yah! Like I want to do it?? It was an accident... AN ACCIDENT!!!!

Jimin:- IF YOU CLAIM IT WAS AN ACCIDENT.. THAT STILL DOESN'T CHANGE THE FACT THAT....that...you stole my first kiss 😟(the last words were said in a very low voice)

Suga:- wait!! What? It was your first kiss?? 😲

Jimin:- YES! 😩😠 congrats you stole it!!!

Suga:- 🤭🤣😂😂

Jimin:- are you serious.? Your laughing??? 😑😠

Suga:- yah! I am sorry that it was your first kiss... But you should be grateful that your first kiss was with a handsome boy.. Understood?? .. Consider yourself lucky that I was your first kiss! 😌

Jimin:- hyung!! Are you still dreaming?? ... HANDSOME?? HAAA HANDSOME MY ASS! 😏

Jimin runs away after saying this!!

Suga :- *yelling* yahh!! Park jimin!!! Yahhhhh!!! Your are dead today!!! I will make you pay for what you said just now! Wait and watch!

Suga:- * what is he so hyper about?? It's just a kiss.. Also it's my first kiss too... I should be the one screaming at the top of my lungs that you stole it from me! It was totally your mistake! Anyways I'll see you in school right!! Your done today!! 😏*

After having breakfast... They walked to school... While walking suga and jimin were throwing tantrums on each other and jk and tae were silent the whole way!!

Time skip coz I am lazy!!?

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