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Time skip :-

Suga and jimin came back home... Suga's mother was also back home ! It was already night ... And now they were having dinner

Suga's mom:- how was your day??
Jimin:- was real good... I went somewhere I never went before it was a beautiful place!

Suga :- 🤫 (does this action to jimin making sure no one notices)

Jimin:- 😯👍👌 (does this action to suga without anyone notices)

Jk:- wow.... Where did you go?.

Jimin:- ehh... 😨Ummm.. I went to 🤔.... Ah yes 😲 I actually went to cat cafe 😄 .. Suga hyung took me..
There... 🤐

Suga:+ (trying to hold his laughter)

Jk:- 😶 you have never been to cat cafe? Like seriously?

Jimin:- ye-es.... Any problem? 🤨

Jk:- 😑 nothinggg!

Tae :- (whisper in jimins ears) you better tell me afterwards ... Other wise your done! 😏

Jimin:- hhahah (fake laugh) okay😅😞

Suga's mom:- ... Boys!! Now go to sleep soon and get up early... Becoz I am leaving tomorrow... Okay?? I don't want you'll to see me off becoz I want you'll to go to school... It's already two days you did not go to school... Okay?

Jimin:- okayy

Jk:- okayyy

Tae:- okayyy

Suga:- not okayyyy!

Suga's mom:- what's with you?? 🤨

Suga:- I want to see you off! And also I don't want to go to school!

Suga's mom:- I will give you two options... One - go to school like a good boy.. Two- come with me to US! Choice is yours🤷‍♀️

Suga:- mom that's too much!! Fineee! I'll go to school!

Suga's mom:- that's much better!

Everyone slept after eating dinner and next day everyone got up expect for jk ( as you'll know waking him up is one of the toughest task on earth)

Jimin:- tae go wake up jk... It's getting late for school!

Tae:- me?? I don't want to!

Jimin:-  taeee! I am doing some work here.. Pls goo!

Tae:- fineeee! 😑

Tae goes near jk to wake him up.... When he enters the room.. He sees jk sleeping peacefully.. Like a small rabbit... He goes and sits next to jk and watches him sleep for like 2mins

Tae:- your so beautiful and cute when your silent! .. Why do you always play around!

Jk:- 😪😴😪

Tae:- 😊 your eyes! They are pretty☺

Jk:- (slowly opens his eyes) 🤗

Tae:- 😮😑 I thought you were asleep

Jk:- I was until you came!

Tae:- and how did you know I came??🤨

Jk:- idk... I just got a feeling it would be you! 🤷‍♀️

Tae:- 🤐

Jk:- (pulls Tae near his face and whispers in his ear) thankyou😊

*kisses taes cheeks *

Tae:- (blushing in shock) yahh! Jeon jungkook! I told you right don't play around!! Why did you kiss me? 🤨😤

Jk:- (again pulls Tae near his face and whisper in his ears) if your the one who comes and wakes me up in the morning then.. I think.. Your going to recieve one everyday 😌 ... And I'll do anything to make that hapeen babyyy!

Tae:- don't baby me! Enough of playing around now! Get up were are late to school! You barely have 1/2 hr left to get ready!!!

Jk:- okay 1/2 hr😌... WHATT!?!

Jk pushed tae aside and jumped out of his bed .. Running towards the washroom to freshen up

Tae:- 😑 this man is unbelievable! Just few minutes ago he kissed me! Now he just pushed me past and ran?? 😶 I hate him! 😤

Jk:- *yelling from bathroom* BUT I LOVE YOUUU!  😁❤

Tae:- he heard?? 😶 let me just run from here...

Tae came down to have breakfast. . .After some time jk came to dining table

Jimin:- morning jk☺

Jk:- 😊 morning jiminnn... Btw where is suga hyung??

Jimin :- suga hyung? ... SUGA HYUNG!!!! 😱 he is still sleeping!!!!!! I'll have to wake him up!!!!

Tae:- 😱 make it fast!! Otherwise we won't be allowed to enter the class!

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