57. NO FEAR!

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Jimin arrives in his room...

Jin:- enjoyed last night?? I

Jimin:- 😅 ... Hyunggg

Jin: it's okayy 😂 I know you both are a couple... Don't need to hide now!

Jimin:- no hyung 😅 we are not a couple "YET"

jin:- ohh really?! I thought you were... That's why I ended up doing those arrangements last night!

Jimin:- hyung thankyou... But that human ended up drinking and slept..

Jin:- hmp! He is dead in my hands someday 😤

Jimin:- hyunggggg. Then where should I go if he is dead? 😶😟

Jin:- 😂

Suga:- hyungg you always want to kill someone?? 😑

Both jin and jimin turned around to see suga standing there against the wall with hands in the pocket!

Jimin:- 😶

Jin:- yah! From where are you standing there?

Suga :- from where you told that i am someday dead in your hands!🤷🏻‍♂️

Jin:- jimin-ah what a nice day to kill someone right? Why not i kill this man! 😈

Suga :- haa? 😏 try me!

Namjoon come from behind whacking suga's neck

Suga :- ahh 😫

Namjoon:- no! He is not trying you!! Now come on let's go for breakfast.. Mam has been shouting from 20 mins!

Jin:- you are such a pervet Namjoonie! *elbow hit to Namjoon*

Namjoon:- only for you 🤭

Jin:- 😳

Meanwhile suga comes catches jimins hand and pulls him out

Jimin:- hyungg! Where?

Suga :- i dont want you to stay between them and learn such things... Come on... Plus.. Don't call me sugiee...
Minnie.. And whatever understood!! I really hate it!!

Jin:- where is my frying pan!!! He really wants to die today I guess ! 😡

Jin comes forward to hit suga but Namjoon catchs jin... Meanwhile suga pulls jimins hand and runs off to have breakfast!

At the Breakfast hall:-

Jimin:: hyungg! Why are you always troubling jin hyung!! They are cute together!! 😟

Suga :- 🤷🏻‍♂️ ... Becoz you should not learn all those things from them understood!

Jimin:- but hyungg... I like cute things...

Suga :- but you like me too right??

Jimin:- i said *cute things* *sassy eye roll*

Suga:- death wish? 🤨

Jimin:- no thanks... If i die how will you survive? *sassy hairflip*

Jimin walks away after saying so...

Suga :- *what a sass he is!! * 😳

Meanwhile near jhope :-

Jhope is heading towards the breakfast hall when he notices someone sitting by the pool... He goes near to see who is that...

Hobi:- baekhyung??

Baekhyung:- ohh... Your that guy who was with jimin earlier.. Right?

Hobi:- right... But why are you here? Are you not coming to have breakfast ?

Baekhyung:- nope I am good.. You can go have...

Hobi:- okay...

Hobi turned to leave when he heard baekhyung calling his name..

Baekhyung:- excuse me...

Hobi:- yes.. And my name is jhope... You can call me hobi🙂

Baekhyung:- what a cute name "hobi"

Hobi:- thank you😊

Baekhyung:- i wanted to ask... Why did you come and approach me? Like don't you know who I am?

Hobi:- aren't you a student just like me.. Who goes to the same school as I do and came here for a trip?

Baekhyung:- *sad chuckle* yes I am... 🙂

Hobi:- then do you have to be someone else too?

Baekhyung:- are you naive? *said slowly*

Hobi:- said something?

Baekhyung:- uh.. No...

Hobi:- okay.. Tell me who are you?

Baekhyung:- i am a rich son of one of the biggest gangster... My father is a very dangerous person.... 😏 *smirk*

Hobi:- so what?? That's doesn't make you a dangerous person.. Right? Are you?

Baekhyung:- 😶 *he doesn't even fear me *

Hobi:- anyways... Come on!! Let's have breakfast!! I am hungry!! 😩😵

Hobi stands up and pulls baekhyung's arm and drags him to the breakfast hall... Not noticing that baekhyung is smiling so stupidly!

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