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Jin quickly Goes near hobi and tells him everything... It was evening and time for dinner... Jimin is trying his best to avoid baekhyung who is being rude to him sometimes .. But Jin and hobi without giving chance to baekhyung try to protect jimin...

Suga was silently thinking something sitting near the pool.. That's when namjoon, Taekook join him. ...

Suga :- oh hi..

Namjoon:- hi buddy... What are you thinking so deep?

Jk:- yes hyung you look quite lost...

Suga :- nothing... *sigh*

Namjoon:- sighing doesn't work bro... Spill already!

Suga :- was just thinking about jimin

Namjoon:- if you thinking about that baekhyung guy then forget it bro  .. I Already told jin to take care of jimin...

Suga :- h-how do you know?

Tae:- we told him hyung...

Suga:- *sigh* idk what to do... How to protect him... Becoz that mf clearly told me on Face that he is not going to leave jimin this time..

Namjoon:- oh I forgot to tell you!

Suga;- what?

Nj:- that you don't have to worry anymore  .. Becoz they have got jhope also in their team!

Tae:- hobi hyung! Really?

Jk:- then no one can dare to touch our jiminee

Suga:- thank god! But still... I feel like something bad is gonna happen...

Nj:- nothing is going to happen... If something is going to happen now that is....

Suga:- what?

Nj:- that our suga will have dinner with jimineee!!!!!

Suga:- what ? 😳

Nj:- yes... Go he is waiting for you! Other wise your gonna see that side of jin which you wish not to see! Run!!

Suga just got up and started to run when he heard Namjoon's voice from back

Nj:- go to our room!! Jimin is waiting for you!! *shouting*

Suga :- okayyy *shouting*

Suga then disappeared from the sight going to meet jimin as fast as he could

Nj:- he ran so fast!! First time I've seen energetic suga!

Tae:; yes hyung 😂

Nj:- btw how's your relationship goin on?

Tae:- o-ours? 😳  ..... *ah i am embarrassed* H-hyung... I'll go to restroom and be back... Jk will explain...

With that being said... Tae leave namjoon and jk together...

Jk:- sorry hyung.. He was just shy so he ran...

Nj:- nah! That's okay... Jin was like this too🤧🤭

Jk:- really hyung? Jin hyung was like this? Cannot believe

Nj:- i know right... But as time passed by my Jin become more open to me and shared everything which he was hesitant about before...

Jk:- ohhh 😧😯

Nj:- yes  .. That's how relationship works... Giving time to each other helps understanding each other and also waiting is a sign of love... So always try to be comfortable around each other.... Okay?

Jk:- with that being said can i ask you somethin??

Nj:- of course I am up for it..

Jk:+ did anytime Jin hyung refuse you?? As in for holding hands in public or revealing about your relationship to the people?

Nj:- of course... He was uncomfortable at first.. He use to refuse to everything I want to do... But..

Jk:- but?

Nj:- but... As I said waiting is a sign of love! That's all you have to do ...giving time to your partner to adjust around you and adjust with your things...

Jk:- ohh.. I feel bad becoz whenever I want to kiss. .. 😅*blushing*

Nj:- it's okayy! Go-ahead! 😂 your cute when you blush

Jk:- actually he refuses to even kiss in public or hold hands... So it makes me think like he is not interested in me anymore!!

Nj:- 😂 it's nothing like that jk... He is new to this relationship thing... So whatever you do makes his heart flutter and go mad... Thus he ends up running away from you to hide his red tamato face...

Jk:- ohh😧

Nj:-;now go to Tae.... He maybe hiding somewhere 😂

Jk:- yes hyungg😅 thankyou.. 🤭

Nj:- anytime.. Remember I am always there for you'll!! Okay?

Jk:- yes hyung thankyouu😊

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