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after everything they went back to their houses...

Jimin:- tae! Did you recieve any msg from seokjin hyung?

Tae:- yes! I just checked my phone... We have meeting tomorrow!

Jk:- i received a message too

Jimin:- so we should go to school soon tomorrow... Wait a min I'll be back soon

Jimin left.... There was only Tae and jk in the room

Tae:- uh... Can i talk to you? 😶

Jk:- uh.. Yes..

Tae:- jkkkk... Why are you acting like this? I miss the old you 🥺 can't you become the old jk?

Jk:- *I am the same jk taetae🥺... But just for some time you will get to see this jk * uhh.. What do you mean?

Tae:- your not talking to me properly 🥺

Jk:- this is what you wanted right?? You wanted me to distance myself from you.. You did not want me to mess around with you... You did not wanted me to #playaround with you.. Right?

Tae:- 🥺😔 i am sorry

Jk:- i am sorry... I will leave now

Tae:- okay 😞

Jk comes out of the room and goes in the blacony

Jk:- hmn.. I think I should stop doing this with Tae... I can't force him to love me. ... I will make him fall in love with me for who I am ... Not by forcing him... Tomorrow I'll just clear this with him so that my behavior doesn't effect him anymore...😔 *sight* come on jk tomorrow is a long day... Let's rest🥱

Meanwhile jimin ran to sugas room:-

Jimin:- suga hyung.. Can i come in?

Suga :- no.. Get out!

Jimin:- woahh that is mean 😑

Suga:- then why are you asking permission? Come in soon and tell me what's your problem?

(Jimin walks inside and See's suga working on something sitting on his study table chair)

Jimin:- hyung... What are you doing?

Suga:- working on a song... If you don't have anything to do then go away🥱

Jimin:- wahh hyunggg! (Pouty face) why are you chasing me away??

Suga:- (sees jimins face and chuckles) becoz your distracting me!!!

Jimin:- ohhh (evil smirk) in what way?? ( comes near to sugas face)

(But suga doesn't even flinch)

Suga:- stop messing around jimin... You know what happened last time you messed with me *smirking* 😏

Jimin:- (immediately backs off*) wh-hat did I d-do?? Don't talk all nonsense hyung! 😳

Suga:- see... As I said before *pinches jimin's cheeks and says* this is all it takes to make you blush 😂

Jimin:- *becomes red like tamato* 😳🤯

(About to turn around and run away.. But suga catches his hand)

Suga:- wait! You did not tell why you came here😏

Jimin:- th-hat.....yes! Tomorrow I, tae and jk have to leave to school early! ... I will not come and wake you up.. Please try get up soon and reach school on time hyung!

Suga:- ok😑

Jimin again turns to run but suga again catches his hand and stops his having a evil smirk on his face

Suga :- Or... Are you afraid that i will again steal your.... Ki... Sss. 😂

Jimin :- hyung 😳 don't act crazy! Take some rest your overthinking alot lately 😶

With this jimin runs to the balcony

Suga :- 🤭 he is cute * I must be crazy!! What are you thinking!! *

Jimin:- what was that?? *panting* my heart is beating like crazy!! Is it really easy to make me blush? *thinking keeping his hand on his face Cupped*ayy noo it's becoz i ran fast... That's why my heart is beating fast... But what us wrong with that person inside there?? Was he trying flirt with me!! He never leaves a chance... A crazy lunatic! 😤😩

Jimin:- anyways I am tired! I should sleep now... I should have energry to bear him tomorrow .... Come on jimin let's sleep 😴💤

With this jimin went to his room and slept!

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