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The person:- it's okay mam there is no need for that.... Hmmm... There is one way if you want to express your gratitude 😀

Suga's mom:- oh is it ...tell me what is it that I can do for you?

The person:- if you let me carry these stuff for you ... And let me drop you at your home 😀

Suga's mom:- 😶 how can i allow that... You already 10. WHO IS JERK AGAIN? ... You hurt your hands... You probably can't carry them... I'll carry them for you 🙂

Suga's mom:- you are really stubborn! Thankyou so much dear... You are really a very humble child 😄

The person:- ah thankyou mam😁 let's go mam...

(Suga's mom and the person started walking to sugas home and the person told that he lives in the same street where suga's mom lives... They talked about some random stuff... It took them around 10 mins to reach sugas place)

The person:- here mam... I placed all your stuff on the sofa

Suga's mom:- thank you so much 😄

The person:- okay mam.. Now I shall leave... Please take care of yourself

* bows and was about to leave *

Suga's mom:- hey wait... How can I make you leave so soon and without treating you anything... You were such a big help for me today.. I can't let you go like that!

The person:- it's okay mam 😅 there is no need for that

Suga's mom:- you have to listen to me.. And you said that you just live few houses away from ours...i am not letting you go without having dinner tonight!

The person:- but mam....

Suga's mom:- no buts!! Let me cook dinner for you... Or I'll feel bad!

The person:- okay mam.. As you wish 😅

Suga's mom:- wait let me call my lazy son... He must probably be sleeping like a pig now... He is going to get mad if he finds out what happened today!

The person:-😅

Suga's mom:- *yelling* yahh lazy brat!! I am home come down soon! I have to show you something!

Suga:- *from his room* ahh mom please .. Your so noisy!!!  You spoiled my precious sleep!!!

Suga's mom:- *yelling* are you coming down?!!!!


( suga came down with sleepy face, his hair messed up, looking all chubby and cute, his eye sight was blured out becoz he just woke up from his sleep... He came down to see a familiar figure sitting on the sofa)

(After his eye sight adjusted to the surrounding he gasped loud enough for his mother to hear..she came running)

Suga's mom:- what happend???!!
Suga and the person at a time :- YOU!!!!!!!!

suga's mom:- wae wae.? You know each other already?? Are you both friends??

Suga and the person at a time:- NO!!! WE ARE NOT FRIENDS!!!!

( sugas mom standing there confused in between both of them and suga and the person glaring at each other)

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