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On the other hand suga ans jimin reached the their secret place..

(Again if you want to know their secret place then read 23 chapter to know)

Jimin:- hyung why are we here? It's night and it's scary!

Suga :- you are always scared of something huh? ..its night and it's beautiful!!

Jimin:- it is beautiful 😞

Suga :- are you sad? . Or scared?

Jimin:- both I guess... Becoz that's what my life is... All messed up!

Suga:- why are you saying like that.... Don't give up now it self!

Jimin:- what should I do hyung? I don't have a proper family, a good job to pay my fees, a Good house, a boyfriend who can take care of me 😔 i am a complete loser .. I feel like I am a burden to you'll

Suga slowly takes jimins hands and makes jimin face him... Jimin's head is down as he is sad

Suga :- *sigh* yah.. What will i do with you? ... You have everything but still you tell you don't have any!

Jimin:- what do i have hyung? 😞 even though I have it's not mine .. Right? I couldn't do anything on my own... Only thing I can do is get in trouble

Suga :- you have family;! You have a mom two brothers and me!!

Jimin:- your also my brother..

Suga :- yah! No! Just listen ! You have only two brothers!

Jimin:- but...

Suga :- !NOO!!! *yelling*

Jimin:- okay okay... Don't scream! Someone will see us!

Suga:- better! And now only listen to me!


Suga:- you have a family, you have a house, and job we'll search together!
Understood? Don't ever tell your alone!

Jimin:- and boyfriend?

Suga :- boyfriend? ... Uhh

Jimin:- come on tell me? You told I should listen to you... Tell me what about boyfriend?

Suga :- why do you need a boyfriend at this age!? 😠 your just a little school going boy! .

Jimin:- no I am not!😤

Suga :; yes you are 😌

Jimin :- then that does make you also a #little school going kid!

Suga:- yah! I thought I'll do it in a Special way.. But i think you'll not keep it special! You'll ruin the mood! So let me do it here!

Jimin:- what ? 😤

Suga suddenly pulls jimin by his waist and kisses him on his soft lips!  By which jimin is obviously shocked , surprised and everything!

Suga stops and looks at jimin

Jimin:- *hits on suga's head* 😤

Suga:- ahhh 😣 yahh!

Jimin:- how annoying!!! 😤 why did you do that! You were my first kiss doesn't mean you can kiss me whenever you want!

Suga:- *pulls jimin by waist* *whispers in jimins ears* I want to be your first and last 😉😏

Jimin:- 😳 hyunggg.... *pushes suga * hajimaaaa! Don't play around!

Suga :- I am serious! I thought to do it in a very professional way but... I couldn't hold back!

Jimin:- hy-yung? Are you serious?

Suga :- about what?

Jimin:-... N-nothing *I think he is just playing around * 😞

Suga sighs and pulls jimin close and pecks again... Jimin again looks confused!

Suga :- yes I am serious! I like you! No!
I love you!

Jimin:- 😟😐

Suga :- what? You don't like me? ... No problem .. I'll make you fall for me.. It's not a big deal🤷‍♂️

Jimin:- jeez! You full of yourself! Who will accept your proposal if you confess like this!

Suga :- becoz all it takes is *comes closer to jimin and pinches his cheeks * this! To make you blush! 😉

Jimin:- 😳❤‍🔥*becomes red like tamato!! *

Suga :- 😂 your so cute!

Jimin:- hyungggg! Don't play! Are you serious?

Suga:- yah! Enough!! Do you think I'll play with Something like this? 😤

Jimin:- hyun-ng... Can you kiss me once again?

Suga :- I am all yours! You can do anything with me 😈👀

Jimin:- *sigh* auuu! You pervert! Forget it!! I am going home!

Jimin Turned to leave just then suga pulled jimin and kissed him passionately! Both kissing under sky full of stars shining!.. With silent cool breez... Moon and stars being a witness of yoonmins love 🥺😭🤍🥀

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