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Next day...

Tae:- jk I want to go somewhere out...

Jk:- we cannot go out... After going home... we'll plan a day and enjoy it!!

Tae:- promise?

Jk:- yes promise...

Jimin:- what are you'll promising Each other for?

Taekook turned back to see yoonmin walking at them..

Tae:- heyyyy!

Jk:- morning hyung!

Suga and jimin took their seats beside Each other..

Tae:- so... Jimin-ah.... How's your relationship going?

Jimin:- *chocked* 😅

Jimin stared at suga

Suga :- I did not tell anyone.. Anything.... They just found out by themselves ! 🤷🏻‍♂️

Jimin:- gave you one work and you couldn't even do that? Hyung!! Get yourself together!! I told you not to tell anyone!!!

Tae:- 😂

Jk:- 😂 

Suga :- yahh! Stop laughing and tell him that I did not tell you'll anything about us!! You punks!! 😤

Jimin:- how insensitive! How can you blame them hyung?? If you did not tell who else can go around telling when no one knows about us? Huh? 😤

Suga:- *sigh* look jiminee my mother, my father , my everything... I am saying truely that I did not tell anyone about us... *as clam as possible *

Jimin:- then who else told??! 😤

Jin:- you 

Everyone turned around to see namjin standing with their hands in their pocket with a sighed expression

Jimin:- jin hyung? When did I tell?

Jin:- you just told everyone... No one told anything about you both... I bet Tae asked it in a teasing way... But you blurted out every thing... Paboyaaa 🤦🏻‍♂️

Jimin:- looks like it😅

Suga :- see!! I kept telling you! But you were not ready to listen to me! 😤

Jimin:- I am sorry hyung... 🥺

Suga :- st-stop doing that face!!! 🤐

Jimin:: 🥺🥺🥺🥺

Suga :- HAJIMAAAA!!! 😤

Jimin:- okay okay 🥺🥺

Suga :- aishhh! I guess you really have a death wish! Come here you punk!!

Jin:- yahh! You rude jerk! Are you sure you love him?

Jimin:- see Jin hyung... He always behaves like this 🥺

Suga :- your such a flipper jimin! You should instead take my side.. But your complaining about me ? Crazy lunatic! 😤

Jimin:- 🤷🏻‍♂️😆 whatever you say! 😂

Jin:- you both! Stop!!! Are you'll sure you are couple?

Suga :- 🤷🏻‍♂️

Jimin:- what do you mean 🤷🏻‍♂️ ? Are we not?

Suga :- are we? 😈

Jimin:- Jin hyungggg😩

Jin:- yahh! Min suga! 😤

Suga :- okay okay! We are a couple ! Enough?

Jimin:- that's good 😊

Suga :- aigoo so much drama! 🤦🏻‍♂️

Tae:- btw where is hobi hyung?

Jk:- yes he doesn't hang out with us these days

Suga :- he should be with that mf. 😏

Jin :- who?

Jimin:- *sigh* baekhyung .. 😑

Namjoon:; baekhyung? Why is hobi with him?

Suga :- what more could it be.... He is on that mf's side now!

Jin:- no no... I have known hobi for a long time now... I don't think he will be on the wrong side..

Namjoon:- yes.. I know.. But.. .

Hobi:- I am on no ones side hyung 🙂
Everyone turns around to see hobi standing there......

Suga :- are you sure ? 🤨

Hobi:- yes hyung.... I don't know who is right and how is wrong and plus I don't want to be on sides 🙁

Jin:- I know hobi... But...

Hobi:- no hyung.... We heard jimins side of story.. And I think we should hear baekhyungs side of story too ... Isn't that fair?

Jin:- I.....

Suga :- so you say jimin is lying? Is everything he is going through a  act? 🤨

Jimin:- hyung... Stop it... 🤐

Suga :- jimin don't stop me ! And dont speak when I am speaking... I hate it! 😏

Hobi:- hyung... I never said that jimin is wrong ... I just want you us to listen to baekhyungs side of story too... 😞

Jin:- hobi ... Don't be sad... No one is telling you are wrong... But let's give this chance to jimin.. Whether he wants to listen to baekhyung's side of story.. Hmm? Will that make it fair?

Tae:- I think it will hyung... Becoz it's always important to know both the sides of the story before taking any step....

Jk:- hmm I agree too..

Namjoon :& right... So jimin... What do you say? .

Everyone look at jimin waiting for him. To answer... But jimin glances at suga who looks legit pissed off..

Jimin:- *sigh* yes hyung... I wanna listen to him as well.. I don't want to do anything which will make me regret later.. 🤐

Suga stands up and leaves the place...

Jimin:- uh... Don't worry I'll speak to him and convince him... 🙂

Jimin runs back of suga and hobi leaves the place... Namjin take their seat beside taekook

Jin:- this is going to be a mess.. 😢

Namjoon:- I know babe... Suga is impossible to understand *sigh*.

Tae;- I just hope everything goes well... 😞

Jk:- yes... 🤐

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