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As it was raining... Suga steps outside to find network to call jimin....

Calling jimin...

Jimin:- 📞 hello? ... Aunt?

Suga:- 📞hello... It's me...

Jimin:- 📞what?? *annoyed tone*

Suga :- 📞 I really don't wanna talk to you right now.. But it's dead serious! Hear me out!

Jimin:- 📞just get to the point!

Suga:- 📞 the thing is... Your friend...

Jimin:- 📞 my friend?

Suga:- 📞your friend taehyung... Is in my house right now...

Jimin:- 📞 why would he be there? Tell me clearly.. You're worrying me now

Suga :- 📞he is unconscious and also has a wound on his arm....

Jimin:- 📞 if your playing around.. Stop it!!! I don't like anyone who uses my friend to play around !

Suga:- 📞 why would I joke... And I am not as heartless as you think... Just come over to my house... And have a look.. I called you becoz I did not have any contact of his family!

Jimin:- 📞 i swear if you're messing.. You're dead! I'll be there in 5mins !

Jimin reaches sugas place

Jimin:- hello aunt.... Where is tae?

Jk:- he is in suga hyungs room!

Jimin:- where is your room?

(Looks at suga)

Suga:- follow me!

Jimin follows suga... When he sees tae sleeping with a fearfull face.. He breaks into tears!

Jimin:- tae!! 🥺😭

Suga:- are you serious? Can't you see he is sleeping.. Let him rest... Let's go  down and talk!

Jimin:- okay 😭

(In the living room)

Jimin:- tell me how did this happened!

Suga:- even we wanna know that. ..now jk tell us!

Jk:- okay hyung... (Says the whole thing)

Jimin:- who are those mf's who misbehaved with my tae 😠

Jk:- relax jimin... I already called the cops and they caught one ... They should catch the other one who cut taes arms...

Jimin:- I will kill him!!!!!

Jk:- so will I!!!!!!

Suga's mom:- clam down boys! Police will take care of them... You'll take care of your friend right now... He is in fear... He might have nightmares too soo I suggest you'll two to stay here tonight with him

(Jk and jimin looked at each other's face)

Suga's mom:- don't worry you'll be fine here... Think of it as your own house

Suga:- yeah.... And moreover we cannot move tae to any other place now so both just stay over with tae!

Jk :- okay 😔

Jimin:- okay 🥺

Suga's mom:- okay now jk?? Right??

Jk:- oh sorry aunt I forgot to introduce myself becoz of this mess ... I am jungkook.. You can call me jk 🙂... I am sorry I am being a burden now.. I am suga hyungs friend....

Suga's mom:- it's okay jk... Feel comfortable and glad to know that my son has a friend now 😊 dont worry your boyfriend will become alright 😀

Jk:- ehh... Aunt he is not my boyfriend yet... But will be soon

(Receives a whack from suga)

Suga:- you are still in your cool character?? Even though your in a mess now? Go get changed now... Use the washroom in my room and also don't you dare make any noise which will wake up tae! Understood?

Jk:- okay hyung 😑....but I don't have clothes

Suga ;- just choose something from my clothes and wear them!

Jk:- okay... Thankyou hyung for letting me stay over at your place

Suga :- go now 🙂

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