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Suga made his way to his room to wake up jimin... He entered the room... He saw jimin sleeping like he haven't slept for ages... He saw jimin sleep so peacefully

Suga :- *sigh* I don't feel like to wake you up if you sleep with that face! Your getting me in trouble little bird!

Suga shakes jimin... But jimin doesn't get up he just shifts his sleeping position

Suga:- jimin wake up.. *shaking him* jimin.... Wake up.. Let's have dinner!

Jimin:- hyunggggggggg please let me sleep 🥺

suga:- 😳 d-dont make that face...fine you can sleep after having dinner too!

Jimin:- hyung.. Let me sleep!!! You have dinner... I am tired hyungg please🥺

Suga :- fine! Don't make that face! ... Sleep as much as you want.. You lazy ass!

*my god ! That face he makes... It's gonna kill me one day! .. I cannot imagine anyone else seeing that face... I want to be the only one who can see that puppy face of this little bird! *

Suga comes down and See's jk sitting on the dining table alone waiting for suga ..

Suga :- tae?? Did you not wake him up?

Jk:- th-that... Hyung it my sound weird but he acts like he is drunk when he is asleep.. 😐

Suga:- what?? 😯😂

Jk:- i am serious... What happened earlier is.....
Flashback when jk came to tae's room to wake him up!

Jk :+ tae wake up... It's time for dinner 🍽

Shaking tae... But he doesn't even flinch

Jk:- taehyung get up! Let's eat *shakes tae furiously*

Tae;- ahh...pleasee let me sleep for 5mins more

Jk:- you can sleep for 5hrs after having dinner... Right?? .. Now get up!

Tae:- 😴😪 n... o....

Jk:- what are you even whispering?

Tae:- i.... Wan.. Want.. J.. J... Jk 😪😪

Jk:- you want what! ? 😶

Tae:- j. Jk.. I want........ 😪... him

Jk:- 😳 *he wants me? * *ayy no he is sleep talking .. He doesn't mean it * fi-first you wake up... Let's have dinner (shakes Tae)

Tae:- please.... Let me sleep (shifts his sleeping position)

Jk:- fine! Sleep! Don't eat anything and bring yourself any new problem... You never listen to me! 😤

Jk comes down and sits on dining table cannot stop thinking about what Tae said!

End of flashback--------

Suga :- 😂 wow that's so cute!

Jk:- ah hyunggg... Don't! ... I am worried he just did not mean any of it!

Suga :- what if he did?

Jk:; what?

Suga :- what if he meant all the things he said...?

Jk;- ayy hyung it's not possible...

Suga:- it is... Idiot! ... People always tend to speak what's in their heart either when they are drunk or when they are sleepy! And people speak talk things which has been on their mind disturbing them..

Jk:- 😯

Suga:- maybe he's been thinking about you... May be he already likes you.. But doesn't know how to approach you with that matter?....

Jk:- really hyung? 😶😯

Suga:- yeah.. Now stop avoiding him and try to have a conversation with him properly... Say everything what's on your mind clearly and respect whatever decision he takes... Understood?

Jk:- yea hyung  .. Thankyou 🙂

Suga :- no problem... Let's have dinner now... Come on...

Jk:- okay hyung... But what about jimin?

Suga:- you know... Tae and jimin are best friends for a reason... Both are lazy asses... But this time they are really tired so we'll let them sleep 😁

Jk:- you like jimin?

Suga:- 😶 where did that come from?

Jk:- just... By seeing you care for him so much.... It striked my mind.

Suga :- . Eh... Uh... I don't know 🤷‍♀

Jk:- isn't it obvious hyung? That you changed compared to how you were before?

Suga;- what change?

Jk:- you never bothered about anything before .. Would just mind your own business  .. And also not to mention it was harder for me to approach you and when I did .. It was hard for me to speak with u.. Becoz you never spoke!

Suga:- i....

Jk:- also... You never seemed to like jimin.... You both always fight with each other.. But suddenly your caring for him... This is enough to make it obvious that you like him!

Suga :; what? ... No... Uh.. .

Jk:- see your hesitating.... Okay think hard and come to realise your own feelings and sort them out! And put them in front of jimin!!also when you are clear about your feelings then  tell me.. So that you can confess in a cool way not your old uncle type of proposal!! I'll help you!

Suga;- what? Uncle? Uncle type? ... You come here... Punk!!! Come here!

Sugas starts to run behind jk... But jk was fast and locked himself in his room.. Uh.. Tae's room i mean 😅

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