25. MY LIFE! *sigh*

46 4 1

(Jimin runs to suga's room)

Jimin enters sugas room.. Seeing suga was sleeping soundly ... Jimin did not wanted to wake him up from his precious sleep.. But was not left with any other choice

Jimiin:- hyunggg!!! Wake upp! We are late to school!! 😟

Suga:- 😴😴 ahhh let me sleep for some more time!! (Sleep talking)

Jimin:- no hyunggg! Wake up!!! We have only 15 mins until the bell ringsss!(shaking suga and waking him up)

Suga:- (pulls jimin and makes him sleep beside him tightly hugging him) I told you let me sleep for sometime! (In his deep voice)

Jimin was shocked which gave him chills all over his body

Jimin:- 😨 hyu-nnngg.... What are you doing?? Leave me... We have to go to school! Wake up!

Suga:- (slowly opens his eyes to see jimin sleeping next to him and they were very close to each other) your beautiful 😶

Jimin:- 😳whh-at??  ....  Hyunggggg I know...you told me before ... Now get up!! And leave me!!!!

Suga:- (suddenly realises what he is doing) ohh😨 i amm so-rry 😶

(pushes jimin down...)

Jimin:- ahhh! 😫😖 hyunggg! How can you push me?? Your so bad! also get ready soon we don't have time! And I HATEEE YOUUU!

suga:- I am really sorry... Does it hurtt? 😟.

Jimin: stop!!!! Don't come forward!!! Just go and get freshed up first!! No time! I can't miss any classes today!
They got ready and reached the school ... As expected they were whole 15 mins late as their time passed in waiting for the bus!

The security guard allowed them inside but the principal asked them to sit in dentention room for whole day.. Jimin was not very happy with the punishment... So he was sad... Suga noticed it.... He suddenly got up caught jimins hand

Jimin:- what??

Suga:- follow me.... (Turned to jk) jk bring Tae with you and follow me!

Jk:- o-ok hyungg🤐

Jimin:- where are you taking me? Hyung leave me!

Suga :- quietly follow me!

They reach principals office...

Jimin:- what?? No! Hyung are you crazy?? What are you going to do?😶😨

Suga knocks the door and principle asked them to come inside

Suga:- sir.... I am sorry we were late today... Trust me it's our first time we are late...

Principal:- it's the second day of your school and your already late?? I don't think I can let you go just like that

Suga:- I am sorry sir.... But can you please let these three attend the class... I can take their punishment as well...

Jimin:- (whispering to suga) what?? Hyung! Are you being serious right now? What are you saying? Why are you getting yourself into trouble?

Suga doesn't responsd to jimin.. He just holds jimins hands tightly gesturing him  to stay silent

Suga:- sir?? Can't you Do that?? they were late becoz of me... So the one who deserves the punishment is me not them...

Principal:- in that case I can let them go to their classes... But you have to take their detention becoz next time you won't be late and also your friends won't be late 😌

Suga :- thankyou sir 🙂

(All four of them bow and leave... They came out of the principals office)

Jimin:- hyunggg! Are you serious?? Why did you do that?!

Tae:- hyung! Why did you just tell that you'll take our punishments?

Jk:- if I knew you were going to do this... I would never come with you on first place!

Suga :- go to class for now.. Let's talk later.. Go soon otherwise you'll miss your class

Tae and jk:- okay hyung😔 (starts walking)

Jimin:- 😒 hyung stay in detention room only! I will meet you in lunch! I need to talk to you!

Suga :- okay😑

Jimin walks off to class and suga goes to dentention room... And takes a nap for some time! .

Suga sits near window seat and enjoys the silence of the classroom and nature

Suga *thinking* my mom should be in plane by now....*sigh*  Hmmm... I miss her already..... But at least I won't be alone .... I have these clowns with me... Hmm God knows how they came in my life 🤧 ... Anyways I should take a nap and get some energy before lunch becoz jimin is gonna lecture me! .. Wait.. Why should I even listen to him?? No one dares to do things like he is doing to me... For example no one dared to pull my ears, no one dared to snap at me! Is it that he is good at it or.... Am I not able to stop him from doing anything he wants m🤔... Anyways jimin is making my mind a living mess... Why am I even thinking of him! 🤧 *sigh* 

(drifts to sleep )

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