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Meanwhile near jimin :-

Jimin was sitting in sugas room with the food on the table ...

Suga came in and saw jimin waiting pouting and looking at the food

Suga :- are you going to wait for food to cool down?

Jimin:: oh suga hyung your here?

Suga :- yes...

Jimin:- where are others? Are they not eating?

Suga :- *does he not know? * umm... Idk they told me that you were waiting here..

Jimin;- is it?? Jin hyung told that you were waiting for me... But you were not here!

Suga:- .. Hmm.. Maybe they just wanted us to have dinner together...

Jimin:- so cheesy😂

Suga;- i know right! 😬

Jimin:- hyung.... Thank you

Suga:- what for?

Jimin:- for worrying about me... I know these days your mind is filled with how you will protect me..

Suga:- I.... 🤐

Jimin:- I am so thankful hyung for that.... I never had someone other than Tae worrying for me... Now ...... I thought about something...

Suga;- what?? ☹️

Jimin:-hyung.... I feel like I started to like you...

Suga:- w-what?

Jimin:- did you just stutter?

Suga:- no! Tell me what you told earlier?

Jimin:- oh... I think I started liking you...

Suga:- how can you say that on people's face? Dont you know it might harm them? Aishh this kid!!

Jimin:- hyung the same feeling I had when you confessed ..

Suga:; really? You felt this way? But right now my heart beat is so fast.. See.. *takes jimins hand and keeps it on his chest innocently*

Jimin:- ommo! *what is he doing? *I-i can hear hyung

Jimin quickly removes his hand and suga also realises and blushes to what he just did...

Jimin:- uhm.. Why is it suddenly hot in here?! *fanning himself*

Suga - 🤐😳 y-yes... It's hot... wait let me turn on AC

Jimin:- uhh.. Hyung.. How about I go and heat these food.. They probably became cold... We should heat it and eat fast?

Suga:- sure lets go  . .

Jimin:: let's go?? Both?

Suga:- yes why?

Jimin:; N-nothing .. You stay here.. I'll go and do it!

Jimin runs in and quickly heats the food and brings it back in like 5 mins..
Suga was basically scrolling through his phone...

Jimin:- here's your food...

Suga :- oh thankyou... I even brought beer to drink...

Jimin:: hyung I am not drinking.. You can ho ahead and drink....

Suga :- as you wish...

Jimin:- hmmm

Suga :- is that baekhyung messing with you?

Jimin:- no hyung.. He doesn't... Infact i feel like.... He won't hurt me anymore...

Suga:-! No! ... Your too good that's why all you see is good in others! ....dont trust him and avoid him okay?

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