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It's already night and they are currently having dinner together...

Tae:- jiminee... Tell me honestly.... Is something going on with you?

Suga :- 👀

Jimin:- 😕 nothing... Why??

Tae:- your still not telling me the truth!

Jimin:- i am serious tae... It's all good

Suga ;- how much will you hide now! Just tell them!

Jimin:- 😮‍💨... Fine!

Tae:- good... Go on!

Jimin:- remember the  new guy who came today?? Kim baekhyung?

Jk:- yes..

Tae;- yes

Jimin:- he -he is... He is the one who tortured and harrassed me.... His father killed my whole family.. 😞🥺... I-idk what to do... I am really scared... I don't want to go back to him and feel all those things again...

Tae:- he is that mf!! Who tortured you?... How dare he! 😡

Jk:- taetae... Clam down.... Idk what is the story but jimin don't worry we are with you... No one can touch you!!!

Suga :- i told you right! Not to be scared!! We'll not leave you alone!!!

Jimin:- idk hyung... What to do... 😔😭

Jimin puts his head down and cries silently which is definitely noticed by everyone.. Suga comes and kneels down in front of jimin and holds his hand...

Suga :- ayyy... I told you not to cry and be strong... We are here right!! I am here... So why bother... Stop crying *wiping jimins tears*

Tae:- do you not trust us that we can protect you?

Jimin:- noo... I know you guys will always be there for me... But..

Jk:- but?

Jimin:- but.. I am scared... Becoz i dont want to feel that pain again...

Suga sigh's and Gesutures to tae and jk that he is taking jimin outside for a while!

They both agree and finish eating fast and go to their rooms!

Suga :- come on let's go!

Jimin:- *wiping his tears * where hyung?

Suga :- just come along!

Jimin:- wait hyung my shoes!!

Suga :- wear them. Fast

With this jimin and suga step out of the house .. Meanwhile in taekooks room
As soon as Tae comes inside the room... Jk pulls Tae by his waist and gives him a small yet love filled kiss on his lips ...
Tae is obviously surprised..

Tae:- 😳 what was that for?

Jk makes Tae sit on his lap and stares taes face

Tae:- jk? What happened?

Jk:- i-idk... I don't want to lose you ☹️

Tae:- suddenly?

Jk:- after seeing jimin getting affected by his past... It must be so hard for him to keep seeing that person in school from tomorrow

Tae:- yes... But that still doesn't answer my question

Jk:- *cups tae's face* I don't know what I'll do if something like that happenes  to you.. 😔 ... I want to protect you with everything I got..

Tae:- 🤦‍♂️ *lifts jk's chin up to make jk look at him * don't worry... There's nothing like that in my life... I'll always be with you ..

Jk;- promise me you'll never hide if your in any time of problem?

Tae:- promise... I won't... And i expect you to do the same

Jk:- i won't be in any problem... I'll be the one causing problems 😈

Tae smacks jks neck

Jk:- ahhh😣

Tae:- i knew you were bipolar! Stop causing problem otherwise that'll cause me problem!

Jk:- how?

Tae :- how many people will i handle who come to complain about you?

Jk:- ohhh that sound so much like something a wife would say😚
*going forward to kiss Tae... But Tae keeps hand on his mouth*

Tae - *sight* why did I even fall for you? Go and sleep now! we have to wake up soon!

Jk:- noo! Are we not doing anything what couples do??

Tae;- we are doing..

Jk:- what *asks excitedly*

Tae :- sleeping together

Tae pushes jk on the bed puts blanket on jk and turns off the light and also goes to sleep

Jk:- *whispering* tskk! I thought something else!

Tae:- i heard that! Quietly go to sleep!

Jk;- now you sound like my mom!

Jk again recives a smack from Tae

Jk:- ahh! Araso araso!! I am going to sleep bye!!

But then Tae wraps his hands around jk m.. Jk is surprised n

Jk:- 😳 .  This is much better! .. *also wraps his hands around Tae*

Both of them go to sleep hugging each other 

(Thinking of that sight make's me go in awwwieee 🥺🥺)

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