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Suga's mom's pov:-

(Suga was still in his room sound sleeping and that's when he hears a voice )

Suga's mom:- (shouting) suga i am going to market to buy some groceries.... Wanna come with me??

Suga:- (from his room) nahh... I'm good thanks.. You can go alone 😪

Suga:- (shouting) you lazy brat come and lock the door!

Suga:- (from his room) lock it from outside!!

Suga's mom :- *sighed* tsk! what should I do with my son?? I bet next life he will become a rock!!!!

(She leaves for market)

( after buying all the groceries she was about to cross the road...but then got a phonecall and as she was about the take the call she did not realize she was standing in the middle of the road... And the moment she realised she saw a car coming towards her... She closed her eyes in fear... But suddenly felt a hand pulled her harshly and she fell on the ground! )

Suga's mom:- *in pain* my handddd!

The person:- mam are you okay? Mam can you hear me?? *in a worried tone*

Suga's mom:- *in pain * my hand....It's paining a lot😖

The person :- mam I think you are hurt.... I am sorry I pulled you harshly.

Suga's mom:- *in pain* no no it's okay I should be the one thanking you for saving my life...

The person:- mam let me first take you hospital and you can get your wound treated

Suga's mom:- no it's okay.. I'll call my son he will come and pick me up and take me to hospital

The person:- no mam by the time your son comes you're pain can increade...The hospital is near so let me take you there... Please🙏

Suga's mom:- ehh... Mm.. Thank you so much

The person:- let me help your stuff!

Suga's mom:- thank you

( after getting treated in the hospital.. Suga's mom was given medicines and also they cleaned the wound... The person and suga's mom came out of the hospital)

Suga's mom:- i can't thank you enough.... Thankyou for saving my life and also taking me to hospital... God bless you 😊

The person:- no problem.. But can i say something??.

Suga's mom:- of course

The person:- please do not use phone when your crossing the road or walking on the road. . It's dangerous

Suga's mom:- *gives a very pleasant smile * I am sorry dear.. Actually I got a call from my company .. It was urgent so i had to take the call

The person:- it's okay .. Please be carefull next time 😄

Suga's mom:- how can i express my gratitude?? Is there anything you want.. I can buy it for you 😊

The person:- it's okay...there is no need of that.... Hmmm... There is one way if you want to express your gratitude 😀

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