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Jk:- aishh... I'm not in a mood to fight today... But y'all asked for it! 🤷🏻‍♂️

(The man ran towards jk and within a couple of seconds he was on the road fighting for his life with himself)

Men 2:- leave him otherwise you're boyfriend is dead!

Jk:- you dare to touch him? 😏

Right after jk saying this the man cut tae's arm and ran as fast as possible...

Jk was shocked at the scene... He tried to run behind him.. Tae's condition stopped him...

Jk:- Tae are you okay?? 😢

Tae:- auchhh! My hand... Mm-yy h-aa-n-d... (Tae became unconscious as he couldn't take anything what happened to him and was also very scared to death)

Jk:- Tae?? Tae?? Shit!!!

Jk called the cops .. The cops came and arrested the person who was on the ground and made sure that they will soon catch the other person too
(It suddenly started raining... Jk did not know what to do as tae was unconscious and he did not wanted Tae to get all wet in rain and suffer more .. He knew whom he had to call..... Suga..  

Calling suga.........

Suga:- 📞 hello... What happen?

Jk:- 📞hyung... I don't know what to do!! Can you come over here fast??

Suga:- 📞what nonsense are you talking jk? Are you drunk?

Jk:- 📞hyung I am not kidding... Tae is with me unconscious...two men misbehaved with tae and he is unconscious now! I can't find any hospital near here!

Suga:- 📞calm down... Bring him over to my place! Fast!

Jk:- 📞okay hyung .. Send your adress fast!

Suga lives not very near and not very far from taes house! It will barely take some 10-15 mins to reach suga's house from taes house

(In sugas house)

Suga:- come in! Omg he is not in a good condition! And what is this blood??

Jk:- hyung I'll tell you everything... But first let's treat him!

Suga:- okayy... Mom can you help us!

Suga's mom:- where is your friend?? Take him to sugas room

Jk :- okay aunty!

( they all together treated taes wound and changed his clothes and now he was sleeping in suga's room ... Suga's place was filled with warmth... With which Tae could get better anytime soon)

(Suga and suga's mom and jk sat in living room.. Leaving Tae to rest for a while)

Suga:- now tell me what happened? And how?

Jk:- yes hyung I'll tell but don't you think we should inform his family first?? They will be worried right??

Suga's mom:- do that first!

Suga:- but how?? We don't have any contact

Jk:- we have... Jimin! We should inform him!

Suga:- yeah right he is his best friend!

Jk:- hyung I don't have his number... Do you have? 

Suga:- no

Suga's mom:- i have his number!

Suga :- why would you have his number? 🤨

Suga's mom:- is that important now?? 🤨

Jk:- suga hyung please 🥺

Suga :- okay fine.. Call him mom

Suga's mom:- yeah I'll call him and you tell the whole thing

Suga:- *sigh* okay fine

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