7. FATE??

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( sugas mom standing there confused in between both of them and suga and the person glaring at each other)

Suga's mom :- now can you tell me what is going on here??

The person:- mam i think I have to leave... Take care and i am sorry

( suga's mom grabbed him by his collar from back)

Suga's mom:- your not going anywhere until you have dinner and mainly until you tell me how do you know my son!

Suga:- mom i have homework to complete I have to go bye!

( as suga turned to run upstairs )

The person:- wait! I don't remember teacher giving us any homework 😏

(After hearing that suga's mom immediately grabbed his hand )

Suga's mom:- you are not going anywhere now!


( yes that person was park jimin all along!!!!)

Jimin:- whaaattt? 🤨 do you want me to explain everything alone... That's not gonna happen!

Suga's mom- now are you telling me both you... And wait let's just talk while eating dinner is almost ready!!

Suga :- *sigh in defeat*

Jimin:- *sigh in defeat*

( the three started having dinner and the seating was like suga and his mom sat beside each other and jimin sat right opposite to them)

Suga's mom:- now spill the tea....how did you'll meet and how do you know each other?

Suga:- mom we are not supposed to talk while eating remember??

Suga's mom:- well you keep your mouth shut then I'll ask jimin about it! .... So jimin mind telling me ?

(Jimin sighs and tells everything from the bus incident to the school incident.. How suga was so cold to him)

Suga's mom:- hmmm i see... You must have had hard time right??

Jimin:- yes mam.. Actually he is the first one so cold to me... Otherwise others speak to me so nicely.. I don't know what's with him 😒

Suga's mom:- I know right... Wait but you met in the bus for the first time and again coincidentally you met in school and in the same class too?? Doesn't it sound like a movie scene.. Wahh! I guess it's fate!

Suga and jimin:- NO!!! (At a time shouts)

Suga:- omma you really need to stop see movies... It's not fate it's a disaster in my life!

Jimin :- * glared at suga* hump😏 mam now I guess I'll take my leave.. The dinner was very tasty... After a long time I had very tasty food 😄

Suga's mom:- thank you... But dont call me mam.. Call me hmmmm.. Mom?? * gives evil smile to suga*

Jimin:- eh? Why would I call you mom??

Suga's mom :- you never know.. You might need to call me in future 😌

Jimin:- *confused look* eh okay thankyou

(Jimin leaves and suga's mom comes inside a locks the door.. She turns around to see suga standing there hands crossed 🤨)

Suga's mom:- what??

Suga:- what was that you were doing just now??

Suga's mom:- what did I do??

Suga:- omma ! What was with that "mom" Thing?? 🤨

Suga's mom:- you know what I mean right!!? It means maybe in future you both will become a "COUPLE" and he will have to call me mom... So...

Suga:- couple?? That's never gonna happen !!! "MAYBE BROTHERS" "says sarcastically* becoz he would still call you mom right?? 🤨

Suga's mom:- you!😤 I want him as my son in law.. Not my son... Becoz I lowkey ship you both 😉

Suga:- *sigh* mom..for God sake please stop watching bl stuff! And next time if you see him ignore him!

( suga recieved a whack on his neck right after saying this)

Suga:- ahh! What was that for??

Suga's mom:- he saved my life today.. And your asking me to ignore him?? Do you have a death wish??

(Suga notices the bandage in his mom's hands)

Suga:- hold on?? Did you get hurt?? He saved you?? From what??

Suga's mom:- you noticed it very soon.....wahh! What type of son I have!

(tells him the whole story what happened earlier )

Suga:- mom why would you cross the road speaking on phone!!!?!.... Mom next time if your going out take me with you..... And dont you dare next time use phone while walking on the road!!!! And please take care of your selffff!!!!

Suga's mom:- *in shocked tone * see I told you... You both meeting was fate!!! He also said the same things to me.... The only difference was (she
Pulled sugas ears) he said it very calmly and you are snapping at me!!!!

Suga:- ahhh!!! Mom leave me it's hurting!!! (Suga's mom stopped pulling his ear) I don't care if he said the same thing... But you remember to take care of yourself !!!

Suga's mom:- okay okay stop now... I need to rest now

( suga's mom goes to her room and sleeps and suga also cleans the dining table and goes back to his room to sleep)

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