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As suga and jimin left the staff room they were walking in the corridor with an awkward silence... Soon jimin broke the silence

Jimin:- we meet again!

Suga :- *stared at jimin and sighed *

Jimin:- why do you always act cold to me?? It's not like I know you from before !

Suga:- exactly! It's not like I know you from before! And I don't talk to strangers

Jimin:- *made 😏 this expression making sure suga did not notice *
anyways now that i have to take you on a school tour atleast try to talk to me properly!

Suga:- if you don't want to then you don't have to tour me... I am fine by myself! You can leave

Jimin:- ahh this is tiring...i am trying to be nice to you... Can you for once??

Suga:- i dont want you to be nice to me! And i never asked for it!

Jimin:- okay okay let's do this! ... You don't have to answer or reply to me... Just listen to me as I say you the rules and show you the premises?? Okay??

Suga:- that will work... 😏

Jimin:- * he is difficult to understand ...ahh why me always?? *

As jimin toured suga.... Suga never spoke a word and was just nodding his head for everything what jimin said... Which made jimin kinda annoyed... But soon it was time for lunch break...

Jimin:- okay so our tour is done.. Hope you remember all the rules and regulations...

Suga:- (nodded without looking at jimin)

Jimin:- (sighed) huh! Okay I know you don't want to talk to me and i am completely fine by that... But atleast mutter a thank you for my work??

Suga:- th-t-thankyou! (Without looking at jimin)

Jimin:- hmm... Forget it! Bye anyways I am going to have lunch... You can join us if you want!

Suga:- no I don't want to... We are not that close .. Right??  (Leaves after saying this)

Jimin:- aishh! He is such a rude jerk.. I would never want to be friends with him! 😖

(Suga was walking in the corridor searching for the way to the rooftop because he thinks it's the best place to eat there peacefully! )

(As suga was searching he again bumped into someone and both of them fell down .... The person got up immediately and helped suga pick up his books and bag)

Taehyung:- i am really sorry i did not see you coming I was in a hurry😅

Suga:- it's okay never mind ... Everyone is in a hurry from morning*he muttered under his breath*

Taehyung:- did you say something?? 🙁

Suga:- yeah?? Ah no nothing... I said it's okay nevermind.

Taehyung:- thankyou  btw your the new student right?? Your name was... 🤔🤔

Suga:- suga!

Taehyung:- oh yes suga! Nice to meet you I am taehyung 😄

Suga:- yeah nice to meet you 🙄

Taehyung:- are you lost?? Can i help you??

Suga :- eh... Yes... Can you tell me where is the way to the rooftop??

Taehyung:- yeah sure... Just go straight and there you'll find steps you can just climb the stairs 😀

Suga:- thankyou

Taehyung:- no problem... You can ask me if you need any help... I'll be there 😁 bye

Suga:- okay bye 🙂

(Taehyung bows and leaves)

Suga:- *sigh * atleast he is better than that jimin kid!... I want this day to get over soooonnn!!!

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