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Jimin slowly wakes up... And adjust his eyes to the atmosphere....

Suga ;- oh you slept well 🙂

Jimin:: uh.. Yes hyung 🥱

Suga :- what were you dreaming of?? Me?

Jimin:- tskk! 😏🥱 hyung... How can you be full of yourself? It's so annoying sometimes!

Suga :- yah! Death wish? 🤨... And I love myself... Thats why I am full of myself!
Jimin:: what does that mean?

Suga:; see ....when you love your self  you will do anything to make yourself happy and you will have that feeling of satisfaction..also if you love yourself first then the whole world will automatically love you

Jimin:- wow.. You sounded like a story teller just now 😂

Suga :- you.... Forget it... Forget what I said!

Jimin:- sorry sorry  hyung I was just kidding... But hyung... You told if you love yourself everyone will love you... But I don't love myself... Why do you love me?

Suga :- becoz I need to teach you to love yourself and put yourself first... I fell in love with you becoz maybe you be 30% of your own self when your with me...

Jimin:- ohh😲

Suga:- So...imagine your 30% of  being yourself can make me fall in love with you so much! Then if you stop giving shit about others and do what you want to do .. Will make me die for you...

Jimin:- hyungggg what are you saying? .. Don't talk about death and all!

Suga:- see.... Jimin I really really love you and.... You ask my mom.. It's impossible for me to fall for someone.. But idk why I fell for you! I don't care as long as your with me... I want you to realise your feelings and tell me soon so that I won't be much hurt in the end okay??

Jimin:- 😶🙁 o-okay hyung *turns to window*

Suga:- *sigh* hey jimin.....

Jimin:: *turns and faces suga *

Suga:- see.. I am not going to leave you once you give me a negative answer or reject me... It's okay I'll always stay by your side...

Jimin:- 🥺

Suga:- don't cry and think okay?? If your answer is yes or no you will never loose me 🙂

Jimin:: hyung.... I ... Why are you so good?

Suga:- I am good from the start! You noticed it late 🤷🏻‍♂️

Jimin:- *sigh and lean on window*

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