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Jk:- okay now tae tae's turn

Tae:- first of all stop calling me Tae tae... Second of all why me?? Suga hyung will tell

Jk:- you asked me mine I told you... Now your Chance... If you tell I'll stop annoying you

Tae:- keep up your promise and also stop flirting with me! 😤

Jk:- *smirk* 😏

Tae:- okay mine.... My father and mother died when I was 4 years old . .. My aunt decided to take care of me... But you know nothing comes for free in this world.. She decided to take care of me because she can completely take all the property my parents left for me... Including the house... I don't even know how my parents died... Or are they still alive... All I know is... I was told that they were dead...

So from childhood I did not have that love and support a child receives from their parents... Now my aunt has 1 daughter and a son... Both are elder to me... Her daughter name is kim hyejin and her son name is kim moobin ...They we're obviously my cousins.. But moobin was very nice to me .. He used to always stop my aunt and hyejin from harrasing me and abusing me....

They were really evil... There was a point where if hyejin was frustrated she use to beat me to death to remove her frustration .. Moobin couldn't do anything....i use to die in pain daily in that house... For days and days together I use to be unconscious lying on the floor in the basement... That's when I started to get traumatic attacks.. And eventually ended up having the phobia of darkness..

I cannot stay in darkness... It gives me panic attacks... However one day moobin couldn't take what was happening with me... So he made a plan and asked me to run away from that home.. He believed that even if I would live alone, I would atleast live peacefully without any beatings and scoldings... So that's when he helped me running away from home...

And I had some of the money left which my father left for me... In which I manged to somehow get a house for less rent... But still I have to do something to earn to pay for my school fees . . . This is where my story ends.🙂

Jk:- 🥺😭 you have gone through so much than me and I did only bad to you 😭 I am sorry

Tae:- its okay stop crying now... 🥺

Jk:- noo... I cannot never forgive myself!

Tae:- jk... Stop crying... It's okay.. You did not know about it.. It's not your fault!

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