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Jk;- I realised that I don't like you

Tae;- 🙁😶 wh-why?.

Jk:- becoz i think I fell in love with you.... And i don't regret it...

Tae;+ j-jk... I..

Jk:- wait... Don't tell anything now... I still want to give you time... To think.. And then decided... Becoz whatever your decision will be I will happily...accept it...

Tae:- *dosent say anything just pulls jk into a hug*

Tae gives jk a warm hug... Jk starts to melt and cries in taes arms.... He cries without Tae knowing... But Tae can feel jk's hot tears streaming down his face... Then jk breaks the hug and wipes his face..

Tae:- jk... Thankuu for understanding.... I don't know.. When you were not speaking to me properly I was so sad... I didn't know what to do

Jk:- I am. Sorry.... I won't force you anymore.... I will wait and accept whatever your decision will be🙂

Tae:-.. Then I have made my decision... Wanna listen?

Jk:- but.... So soon? *I know his answer will be a "no" *

Tae:- jk...*cups jk's face" From this moment you are not allowed to watch or see any other girl or boy! Understood ? *says innocently*

Jk:- I never looked at anyone expect you from the start *says innocently too*

Tae:- pabo-yaaa (idiot)... Will you protect me? And also stay with me forever?

Jk:- of course yes!... Wait... That means.... 😧 you... You...

Tae:- yes... Me...?

Jk:- you.... Want me to be friends forever? *puts his head down * I knew you will not accept....

Tae sights and lifts jk's face up to look at him closely

Jk;- 😳 wh-what are you doing??

Tae:- are you innocent or acting like one? 🤔

Jk:; what are you saying??

Tae:- *comes near to jk's ear and whispers* I am saying that i... Love... You...

Jk:- 😶😳💗💘💖💝💕💞💓 * feeling all the emotions together at this moment *

Tae;- *looking at jk's face* I am sorry that I acted like a child... I did. Not listen to you and took your feelings as a joke.. I am sorry kookie..

Jk:- koo-kookie?

Tae:- umm yes... Are you not kookie? *asks innocently*

Jk:- wait... Let me process what you just told me... Don't call me kookie already... I might... I might collapse... Wait give me a sec 😧🤔

Tae:- 🤦‍♂️🤭 *he is cute *

Tae slowly goes near to jk's face and gives a small yet love filled kiss to jk on cheeks

Jk:- yah... 😧💗😳😳 *what the hell is happening!! Wait jk! Your dreaming! You should get up now!!!.*

Tae:- aishhh! Get yourself together already... Your not dreaming and I am not in your dream!! This happened for real!!! And yes I LOVE YOU!! AND YOUR MINE NOW! ONLY MINE!

JK:- UH... YES I AM. YOURS... NO YOUR MINE.... I AM....WE ARE OURS!.... wait what am I even saying🤐

Tae;- your cute 🤭😂 ... Come on let's go to bed.. Tomorrow we should get up soon...

Jk:- yes....

Jk sleeps beside Tae... Whole night thinking about what happened and how and that he is sleepinh beside Tae.... He cannot believe it!..


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