72 7 1

It's a pretty long ep! Enjoy!!

Jimin:- you! 😠

Taehyung:- you? 😯

Jimin:- wait! You know him?

Taehyung:- yes... I accidentally bumped into him the other day... He's suga right?

Jimin:- hmp! Whatever! 😏

Jk:- wait what's going on?.. Do we know each other? Are we all friend's now?

Jimin:- NO 😠(looking at suga)

Suga:- NO 😠(looking at jimin)

Tae:- NO 😠(looking at jk)

(All scream at the same time)

Jimin:- friends?? With y'all? Never gonna happen!

Suga:- as if we are dying to be friends with you! You're so annoying!

Jimin:- you know what!? Forget it!

(Jimin looks at jk)

Jimin:- what's you're name again? Jk? How dare you mess with taehyung!

Taehyung:- jimin leave it let's go!

Jimin:- let go tae! I was waiting to meet him anyway!

Jk:- I... I did not do it purposely... I even apologized

Jimin:- is it over if you apologize?

Suga:-  (comes between jimin and jk) then do you want him to take care of him(points out at Tae) like a baby??

Jk:- I can do that😁

(Receives a whack on neck from suga)

Suga:- shut up! Can't you see I am speaking?

Jimin:- i thought you were just cold! You are heartless as well! You and you're friend both are same!

Taehyung:- jimin let's leave... Suga is not like that... You misunderstood him!

Jimin:- don't interrupt when I am speaking tae!

Suga:- do you have a death wish? Come here you punk!!

Jimin:- did you just call me punk? Wahhh! No one ever called me punk!

Before they both start fighting jk and tae managed to take them out!

Taehyung:- jimin enough... Let's leave... Please.. I wanna go out..

(Jimin glares at suga and jk and leaves in anger)

Jk:- lets leave too!

Suga :- wait... You taehyung?

Taehyung:- y-yes...

(Suga removes the box his mom gave and handed it to taehyung)

Taehyung:- what is this hyung?

Suga :- hyung? 🤨

Taehyung:- i accidentally checked your application for school and seems like you're elder to us by 1yr

Suga:- oh okay

Taehyung:- but what's this? (Pointing at the box)

Suga:- oh this? .. Give it to jimin and you also share with him okay? This is lunch my mom prepared for jimin... If I won't give it to him I'll get punched real bad... So...

Taehyung:- 😂okay hyung... You're too sweet... I guess jimin really misunderstood you

Suga:- he is crazy! Anyways have a great day bye!

Taehyung:- bye hyung! 😁

Jk:- bye taetae 😁

Taehyung;- taetae? Do you wanna die?

(Taehyung walks off from there)

Diffrent scene:-

Jk:- woahh what just happened?? DAEBAKK!

suga:- what?

Jk:- that means I'll have to call you hyung too?

Suga:- yes you have to

Jk:- suga hyungggggg😁

Suga:- 🥴🥱 do you want to die?

Jk:- nope thankyou

(Both went on the roof top and started having their lunch)

Jk:- Hyung!!!(screams) Where is my lunch?

Suga:- aishh!! Yahhh! You scared me! Tell me do you really have a death wish!

Jk:- no hyung.. But my lunch???

Suga:- are you being serious right now? we just met today! How can i bring you lunch and also.. I did not open a tiffen center to bring lunch for everyone daily!

Jk:- wahh! Crazy... Your really mean!

Suga:- *stopped eating and stared at jk*

Jk:-okay okay.... I was just kidding!

Different scene

Tae:- jimin wait for me!!

(They sat on the bench in the garden)

Jimin:- *pissed*

Tae:- jimin-ahhh... Why did you fight so much?? You were literally ready to fight him Physically!

Jimin:- I wanted to do that... But only becoz of you!!!!

Tae:- thankyou jimin for listening to me!

Jimin:- don't keep quite when they mess with you again... Make sure to tell me😤... That boy suga is finished one day!

Tae:- yahh! Jimin-ah call him hyung he is elder to us

Jimin:- what?? Doesn't look by his behavior... He is mentally younger! 😤

Tae:- whatever just call him Hyung... and he is very good .. Even though he fought with you... He brought lunch for you ... see... (Shows the tiffen box)

Jimin:- are you kidding me?? The person who just fought with me. Who was nearly just about to get his face punched! Brought lunch for me?? Haaa!

Tae:- "Give it to jimin and you also share with him.. Okay?? This is lunch my mom prepared for him.. She aske me to give it to him" This is what he said to me.. I am not lying 🙁

Jimin:- 😯 really?? .. Then I have to thank his mother... Not him.. He. Is still the same.! BAD!

Tae:- you have really fixed in your mind that suga hyung is bad!

Jimin:- he is bad! Let's have lunch now... You know I love homemade food and I miss it too!! 

Tae:- I know.... Btw how do you know suga hyungs mom??

Jimin:- ohh that??

(Tells the whole story to tae)

Tae:- wahh! It's like fate! It will be legendary if you and suga Hyung fall In love with each other!

Jimin:- do you have a death wish?? 😑

Tae:- nope thankyou... 😁🤭

(The four of them had their lunch and went back to classes.. Whole day was boring!)

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