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suga's mom:- okay while he changes .. I'll go and prepare dinner for you'll... Okay? Call me if anything happens

Suga:- okay mom

(Now suga and jimin were left alone in living room... Suga's house just had one living room.. Two bed rooms and a kitchen and a balcony big enough to star gaze there... Trust me it's beautiful view from blacony)

Jimin:- ehh... Can you take me outside??

Suga:- we cannot go outside as it's raining... But let's go to balcony... It has shed so you can spend time there

Jimin:- okay 😶

(Suga and jimin reach the balcony... )

Suga:- I'll leave you to your thoughts... I'll call you once the dinner is ready .. And also don't worry your friend will be alright

(Suga turned to leave )

Jimin:- can you stay for sometime? With.... Me... Here..

(Suga did not utter a word... Just went and sat beside jimin )

Jimin:- thank you 🙂

Suga:- if your worried about your friend.. Don't worry he will be alright... He has such a good friend like you.. Also we'll take him to hospital tomorrow morning once he wakes up

Jimin:-(looks at suga) 🥺 thankyou so much suga ...i dont know what would have happened to tae if you people would have not been there 😭😭

Suga:- (hesitantly patted jimins back) don't worry.. Don't cry.... He is alright.. *I don't feel good seeing him cry*

Jimin:- (jimin looked up at the sky) you know? He doesn't have anyone expect for me in this world ... I am his everything .. and I couldn't even protect him 😭

Suga:-shhh! Don't cry.... You are with him right now ...

Jimin:-you know he is always scared of darkness...my taehyung is innocent... But every time only bad happens to him 😭

Suga:- don't cry jimin... Let's all be together with him  .. He has us all now and he will never fell alone

Jimin :- thank you 🥺

Suga:- i like the angry version of jimin... I don't like this jimin who is feeling weak 😔

Jimin:- *a sad chuckle* I never cry in front of anyone... I am always happy.. But I don't know I guess I just wanted to cry 🙂

Suga:- 😑

Jimin:- but I guess your not too bad for this world

Suga:- what?? Do you want to die!? I am not bad at all! You made me bad 😤

Jimin:- *chuckles* your cute🤭

Suga:- yahh! Hajimaa! (Don't)

Jimin:- suga hyung?? Can I call you hyung?

Suga:- I mean....if you want to 😶

Jimin:-  hyung the view from your balcony is beautiful 🙂

Suga:- I know right😌

Jimin:- hyung thankyou for making me feel better and also helping tae and also for letting us stay here 🥺.

Suga:- it's okay😶

(Both of them were looking at the sky silently)

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