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Mam:-  hi taehyung... This is jungkook... And jungkook this is taehyung... The assistant class representative of the class

(Mam introduced both of them to each other)

Jk:-hey! I'm jungkook... You can call me jk!

Taehyung:- oh hi...

Mam:-  taehyung can you please guide him about our school rules and regulations.. Also take him on a school tour so that he can make himself comfortable here.

Taehyung:-  yes mam... But what about jimin?

Mam:- oh jimin?? Actually he already guided suga yesterday so i dont want to disturb him.... If you cannot do it... Tell me I'll look for someone else.... That's completely fine..

Taehyung:- no mam... That's okay... I was just checking on jimin... I'll take care.... Do not worry..

(Both jk and taehyung exited the room))

Taehyung:- okay hey... I am the assistant class rep and you can ask me help with anything.. Okay?

Jk:- sure thing... Thanks!

(So as Taehyung was touring jk... Jk was listening carefully to what tae was telling him... And taehyung toured him to every class and everything but left one room which is in the corner of the corridor...)

Jk:- why aren't you taking me to that room in the corner of the corridor?... What's in there?

Taehyung:- I can't take you there.... Someone else can accompany you if you're curious... 😕

Jk:- now that makes me more curious... Why can't you come?

(Jk is sooo nosyyy)

Taehyung:- i cannot... I'm sorry... I'm going back..

Jk:- not so soon buddy!

( jk catches taehyungs hand and runs into the room.... The room was very dusty and fully dark)

(Taehyung was already inside the room... He was shivering... He caught jk's hands tightly)

Taehyung:- i tooo-lldd  yo-uuu not to do it.... Wh-uyy did you bring me here?!!!

Jk:- heyyy... Why are you shivering... Are you alright???

Taehyung:- take me out!!! NOW!!!!

jk:- okay let's go...

(As they turned to run out taehyung leg hit something and he fell down)

Jk:- hey! Are you okay?

Taehyung:- please... Take me out!

Jk:- get up! Let's go...

(Taehyung tried to stand.. But since his leg twisted he fell down again)

Taehyung:- I am. Not able to....

(Taehyung started feeling restless... He was panicking)
(Until jk wrapped his hands around him)

Jk:- it's okay... I'm here... Don't worry
. Sushhh...

Taehyung:- (clamed down hugging jk tightly ) please take me out 🥺

Jk:- .. Close you're eyes and do not open them until I tell.. Okay?

Taehyung:- okay...

(Jk slowly took taehyung out of the room and took him to school garden and they sat on the bench)

Jk:- now.. You can open you're eyes

Taehyung:- *opened his eyes and started hitting jk's chest* you!! It's becoz of you! I told you not to take me there *crying voice*

Jk:- I'm really really sorry... And let me  Tell you something

Taehyung:- *looks at jk's face" What??

Jk:- i am not pretending to not know you.... Now I have made up my mind

(as soon as he says this he gets up )

Taehyung:- (looks at him in confusion)

Jk:- i am going to protect you.... Even if u dont want to... I want to protect you.... I want to protect the person who was just inside the room scared of darkness.....

Taehyung:- stop!! If your playing around you better stop... It's not even 24 hrs we know each other and you already want to protect me? M.. And i can protect myself! Understood??

(As saying this taehyung stood up to leave but jk pulled him and pinned tree trunk)

Taehyung:- what the hell!!? Leave!

(Jk Leaned in near taehyung's ear and whispered)

Jk:- listen carefully! Even tho we don't know each other... How much time will you think it will take For me to know you  ?? .... And dont think that i am joking! I am dam Serious about this...think about it and also I will keep trying... And you keep playing hard to get... It will go on forever.. I never joke when it comes to love... Understand this!

(Jk walks off with a smirk... Leaving taehyung shocked)

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