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Whole day went through peacefully as both jimin and suga did not cross paths

Everyone reached home expect taehyung... He had to stay back as he had some work to complete..

Jimin insisted on waiting for tae.. But he sent jimin home anyway

It was 6:30 pm and started to get dark.. The street he had to cross to reach home was not very busy... Instead it was silent with not many people on the way...

Taehyung could feel someone following him.. He turned back to see who it was.. But there was no one ...the street was empty....Again he felt the same... He turned back to see who it was... There were two men walking behind him.. They were wearing black mask and a cap .. Their faces were fully covered..

Tae:- ayyy... Nothing will happen tae... Just keep walking.. *saying to himself*

A hand approached tae from behind tae snapped out of his thoughts to see who it was.... It was  one of the men in the cap and mask!

Tae:- excuse me?

Men 1:- hey l...You look so beautiful! Can you hangout with us??

Tae:- w-whh-aa-t nonsense aa-ree you speaking??

Men 2 :- why are you stuttering?? Are you scared of us?? (Puts his hand on taes shoulder)

Tae:- (moving backward) leave me otherwise I will shout and report you jerks to police!

Men 1:- I love this attitude of yours😌makes me dont want to leave you..

Men 2:- yeah right... He is beautiful and also he is full of attitude... I love boys like you!! .

Tae:- (pushed them and started to run)

Both the men ran faster and caught Tae and pinned him to the wall!

Men 1 :- so fast huh??

Men 2:- don't run away like that... It's been long time we had fun with someone!

One man caught taes arms and kept him pinned to the wall and the other one is going forward to kiss tae.

Tae:- noo.. Stop! Don't come near me you jerk! 🥺😭

Tae is trying to release himself but the grip of the other man was so tight on taes hand... He couldn't even move a bit!

Suddenly there comes a voice from behind which startled the two men and Tae

Someone:- you shouldn't touch what's mine! 😊

Men 1 :- who are you kid! ... Get lost otherwise you will be in his place!

Tae:- j-jjj-kk-k?? 🥺

Men 2:- ohh so you both know each other? Nice.. Even I got someone to enjoy now!

Jk:- hi taetae.. 😊 you didn't tell me bye in the cafeteria... That hurts! Auchhh (dramatically puts his hand on his heart)

Men 1:-  looks like he is your  boyfriend! So wanna see your boyfriend getting ruined with your eyes?

Jk:- (jk's blood boiled hearing those words walking closer to those men while speaking) well he is not my boyfriend ....'yet'... But will be soon... So you better leave him and run for your lives!

Men 1 :- actually you know what?? Your more interesting than him!

(The other men put knife on Tae 's neck...and this man started walking towards jk)

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