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Taehyung goes and tells everything to jimin!

Jimin :- who the hell does he think he is messing with!!!

Taehyung:- jimin-ah.... Calm down... Let's just ignore I think he's just playing around

Jimin:- no way!! He cannot mess around with you! Imma break his bones!

Taehyung:- lets just ignore his existence and act we never met him! Okay?

Jimin:- okay... But if he does it again ... He's dead meat!

Scene two-

Jk tells everything to suga... Even though suga was not that interested.. He heard what jk said...

Jk:- what should I do now?.

Suga :- what should you do? .. Take back everything and apologize and stop playing around!

Jk:- but I really like him... When I saw him in there he was so scared... It makes me want to protect him from everything.. From you as well!

Jk recieves a whack from suga on neck!

Suga :- why me? What wrong did I do?

Jk:- hmm... Forget it! ... Tell me how to make him Believe in me !

Suga :- for time being let's go to cafeteria and have lunch! I'm really hungry! .. And we'll think of a way!

(Jk and suga went to cafeteria... Okay you might be wondering why suga is eating in cafeteria today.. It's becoz remember his mom gave him a lunch box to hand it over to jimin?? .. So he is probably going to find jimin and go back to roof top after giving him his lunch)
(As walking suga realises he forgot to bring the box his mom gave... He left it in the class)

Suga:- jk... I'll be back in 5mins .. You go first!

Jk:- okay make it fast! I don't wanna be alone!

Suga:- whatever!

(As jk enters the cafeteria he walks looking around becoz it was his first time coming into cafeteria... As he was walking he bumped into someone )

Jk:- I'm so sorry! (Without looking at the person)

Person:- it's ok.... a...y... (Looks at jungkook) it's not okay!!!!!

Jk:- (looks up at the person)

Taehyung:- you again? Are You following me Around ?

Jk:- why would you think that?

Taehyung:- becoz remember what you did last time?

Jimin:- ohh! So he is the jerk you were talking about!

(Jimin enters the scene standing behind taehyung)

Suga:- who is jerk again?

(Suga enters the scene standing behind jk)

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