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Other side in music and instrument club:-

Suga :- *how much more should I wait here? I am missing jimin for some reason... I miss teasing him* wait what am I thinking?? I must be out of my mind

Someone came and snapped suga out of his thoughts

Chan :- uh.. Hi 😅

Suga :- hi

Chan :- can i know your name??

Suga :- uh... Suga and yours?

Chan :- it's bangchan... Nice to meet you 🤗

Suga :- ohh same here 🙂

Chan :- are you interested in music making or playing instruments?

Suga :- actually I can do both... But mostly making music

Chan:- oh mee too! I love doing both... Hope we'll work together in future... 😁

(Guys I really want a bts × skz collab)

Meanwhile the senior comes in who is incharge of the club.....

Namjoon:- hello guys! ... I am incharge of this club...

Bangchan:- hello sunbae (meaning senior) ...

Suga:- hi sunbae...

Namjoon:- it's sad to see that there are only two of them who want to join this club 😕

Bangchan:- no sunbae... Actually two more of my friends should be here... They are pretty irresponsible when it comes to punctuality... Sorry 😅

Namjoon- ohh really? Who are they?? ....

(Suddenly both of them enter..)

Changbin:- anyeonghaseyo sunbae and sorry for being late 😅

Han jisung:- anyeonghaseyo sunbae🙂

Namjoon:- hello... Good that your here... Let's start with our sessions 🙂 .... First....who are interested in making music? It includes making new tunes for the song and composing it and also writing the lyrics for the song..

Bangchan:- actually we all are pretty good at all the things... I mean from making songs to writing lyrics and playing instruments.. We can do all of that...

Suga:- uh.. Yes...

Changbin and han :- yes!

Namjoon :- that's even more great!! Is there anything that you'll have prepared for  now?? .. Like any songs you'll wrote?

(They immediately remove their phones and show him what they wrote)

Namjoon:- wow! I am crazy inspired and surprised by your works!! What are their titles? Did you'll give these songs titles??

Suga:- yes sunbae... Mine is "first love"

Bangchan:- mine is "leaventer"

Changbin:- mine "sorry i like you"

Han:- and mine is "secret secret"

Namjoon:- ayy.. I knew the titles would be as powerful as the song itself! ... You'll  are very talented! I am really gald to have you'll in my group!! ....

Namjoon:- you all have your different styles of writing songs and also different types... Put together we can make a master piece!!! ... Are you'll excited!!!

Bangchan:- yes!!! 

Changin and han - yes!!!

Suga :- yes...

Namjoon :- cool! Now you'll can go.. I'll let you know when to meet again! ... And also don't call me sunbae... You'll can call me hyung! Expect for suga... Becoz i just saw your school application .. We are of same age ... You can call me RM or Namjoon..

Suga :- uh.. 👌okay

Bangchan:- that means we should call him hyung too!

Suga :- okay.. You can... I really like your works btw... I am really surprised... Your good than me!

Bangchan :- aniyo hyung! Don't say that... Your the best!

Namjoon:- okay okay...I'll let you know when to meet again! .. For now you'll can go back...
And also bangchan can you creat a group chat of us so that it will be easy to communicate if there's any update?

Bangchan:- sure hyung... I'll do it!

Namjoon:- thank you... Now you'll can go

(With this they all went back to their respected classes)

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