34. CRINGY!!

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Jimin, jk, and tae left to school early... And suga is still sleeping 😴💤

Suga suddenly gets up on the sound of three alarms near his ears!

Suga:- ahhh! 😤😡 .. Who the hell kept alarm near my ears!!!

Now suga is completely awake... He took bath and came to the dining room to have breakfast... He finds his breakfast along with a small note on it.. The note says :-

Hyung.. I know you might be still sleeping like a pig... That's why I kept three alarms near your ears... Now thank me later for waking you up 😎 ... And also I prepared breakfast... Eat fast and reach school on time... Get up and get your lazy a** worked up!! Come on!! Fighting!! ✊

Suga ;- *sigh* so this is all that idiots work! I should thank him?? My a** .. I'll kick him nicely once I catch him in school today! 😤 .. But he made breakfast for me?? 😶 anyways let's go to school!

Suga reached the school and goes to meet namjoon and others

Namjoon:- oh suga is also here

Bangchan:- morning hyung 😄

Han and chanbin :- good morning hyung

Suga :- gm everyone 😑 🥱

Namjoon:- he is sleepy?

Bangchan:- looks like it hyung 🤭

Namjoon:- 🤦‍♂️ sugaaaa wake up!!

Suga :- i am awakeeeeee

Han and changbin;- 😂

Namjoon:- come on.. Let's work on a song

They all are in their pratice room
Namjoon gets a call and he rejects it immediately... He keeps getting calls.. But Namjoon keeps rejecting it

Bangchan;- hyung.. It's okay pick up your call.. Maybe it's Important

Namjoon:- ah... No it's not important 😳

Han:- are you sure hyung?? Becoz the person called u like 10 times already

Namjoon:- yes... It's nothing important

Suga was seeing namjoons expression and spoke up

Suga ;- boyfriend!

Namjoon:-😳 huh? What boyfriend?

Suga;- it's your boyfriends call.. Right? *evil smirk*

Namjoon:- yah! What are u talking?

Bangchan:- 😂 hyung your so cute... You can pick his call.

Namjoon:- uh.. Right.. I can😅 *embarrassed*

Suga :- *evil smirk* 😏

Namjoon:- you... Wait I'll see you later!! 😤

Suga:- haha let's see 😂

Namjoon on call:-

Namjoon:-  📞 hello

Jin:- 📞yah!! Kim Namjoon! 😤 😡 how dare you! Cut my call! Do you have a death wish???!!!

Namjoon:- 📞 babe calm down... I was busy...

Jin;- 📞 don't babe me!!! Come here right now!!! I have something to discuss!! And bring your club members too!

Namjoon:- 📞but wh....

Jin :- "hanged up the call*

Namjoon:- aishh! He is so mean!! I swear if I don't love him so much I would have killed him by now! 😤

Namjoon goes and tells them that they have to gather somewhere .. So they follow Namjoon ... They reach the singing club... Suga was just searching for one person and when he found the person he was burning with anger!

Meanwhile... Namjoon goes near jin and jin stamps his leg

Namjoon:- auchh!!!! 😣

Jin:- serves you right for not picking up your boyfriends call! 😤

Namjoon:- i am sorry babe... I told you I was busy

Suga :- auuuu so cringy!!!! Ugh I am gonna die here!

Jin:- how dare you!! Who are you!! Tell me your name!! 😤😤

Namjoon:- wait!! Yahh! You get lost.. Your making it more messed up than before!

Suga:- haa 😏 whatever

Jin:- yahh! Come back here you jerk!!! How dare you call us cringy!!!

But suga keeps walking.. He directly goes near jimin with annoyed look on his face!

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