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(The school was over and suga came back home.. The moment he stepped in his room he threw the bag on his table and threw himself on the bed)

Suga's mom:- you lazy brat! Get up and go get freshed up! I just cleaned your room and you better don't make it dirty again!

Suga:- mom please let me sleep for 5 min's then I'll go get freshed up!

Suga's mom :- are you getting up or should splash cold water on your face?

Suga:- *sigh* ugh fineeeeeee!

Suga's mom:- good after changing come down to have snacks

Suga:- mom but can you bring the snacks in my room??.

Suga's mom:- no I can't! You want snacks you come down and take yourself! And i have something to tell you too... So better be quick!

Suga:- *sigh again* fine😒😞 * who will tell that she is my mother when she keeps acting like my sister*

(Suga immediately got freshed up , changed his clothes and came down and sat on the chair near dining table)

Suga's mom:- so how was your first day?? You did not mess up anything right?!

Suga:- no mom i did not mess up anything... It was like any other normal day for me *annoying!!! *

Suga's mom:- did you make any friends?? (asks in a curious tone)

Suga:- you think your son can make friends in one day??

Suga's mom:- expected! I knew you wouldn't speak to any of your class mates.. You cold blooded human!!!

Suga:- isn't that obvious?? 😏

Suga's mom:- 🥴

Suga:- anyways what did you wanted to tell me?

Suga's mom:- oh yes! I completely forgot... Listen carefully! As I was doing work from home from previous 3 months till now... My company has transferred me to U.S.... I will have to leave in three days... So .....

Suga:- I understood 😑 have a safe trip!

( suga got up to leave but his mom grabbed him by his collar from behind making him sit on the chair again)

Suga's mom:- you punk! I am not done yet!

Suga:- what more ???

Suga's mom :- if you want ....you can come with me to U. S...

(Suga's mom was cut off by suga)

Suga:- stop right thereee!!!!! I am not going anywhere! I am tired of travelling and shifting houses becoz of your workkk! Not anymore... I'll live here itself!

Suga's mom:- okay okay! Don't nagg now ! I understood... And how dare you raise your voice and speak to me?? 🤨Come here you punk!!

(Suga's mom running after suga and suga running around the whole house.... He took the chance and ran to his room and locked himself! )

Suga's mom:- YAHH! you better come out otherwise.... 

Suga:- i am not coming out!

Suga's mom:- no problem! You will definitely come down to have dinner right?? I'll get hold of you that time! YOU PUNK!

Suga:- (suga sighed in relief that his mom left) ugh!!! What could be more worse now?? My mom is leaving !! I hate this day!!!!!!!!

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