EP 5

698 41 2

- Third Person POV -



They stared at each other.

"What?!" N-No way..." Jeonghan grabbed the curtains.

They looked at each other with disgust and pure hate and annoyance.

"Ugh..." Jeonghan pulled the curtains close.

"Oh no..." Seungcheol grabbed his head walking away.

"Uhmmm... Mrs. Boo." Jeonghan turned around sheepishly smiling. "Thank you so much for taking the time to show me around... ... But it's not exactly what I'm looking for right now, sorry."

"Oh, don't worry, dear. I understand. Feel free to come back here if you change your mind." Mrs. Boo smiled and hugged Jeonghan taking him by surprise. "I hope you'll find a place to call home soon."

"Yes! Thank you." Jeonghan smiled hugging her back.


Jeonghan walked out of the house down the steps only to be greeted by Seungcheol.

"What? So, you're gonna live here too?" Seungcheol asked, wearing his red sleeveless t-shirt exposing his arms in all their glory.

Jeonghan flushed walking past him.

"Just can't get enough of me, eh?"

"I'm not taking it." Jeonghan began walking in the wrong direction.

Tap! Tap!

"What?" Seungcheol raised an eyebrow.

"If there's one thing, we can agree on it's that we don't like each other." Jeonghan turned and wiped his hand across his neck in a go-away motion. "So no, I won't be living here. You're Welcome!"

"So, you're just gonna keep commuting back and forth every day?" Seungcheol asked in genuine worry.

"Until I find a place. Yes." Jeonghan turned back around and picked his pace.

"And you're on your way to the bus stop right now?" Seungcheol smirked walking behind him.

"Yes. Now here's a question for you. Do you ever stop talking?"

"No man, it's just that the stop is that way." Seungcheol chuckled pointing behind him.

Jeonghan's eyes widened. "Hump! I know that!"

Jeonghan turned around walking past Seungcheol with a red face.

"And the last bus is leaving in 5 minutes." Seungcheol looked at his watch.

"I knew it! You were stalling all along!" Jeonghan pointed an accusing finger at Seungcheol.

"What? No! What are you standing around for?!" Seungcheol pushed him forward.

Jeonghan ran.

"Run! Take the next left!"

"Don't tell me what to do!"

"Don't get lost!"

Jeonghan ran away.

"Heh." Seungcheol smiled without knowing why as he tilted his head.


Seungcheol picked up his phone.

"Hey, everything okay?" Seungcheol asked.

"Cheol, I hope you're free tomorrow. Chan wants to see you." An old lady's voice came from the other side.

"O-Oh? Tomorrow? It's a workday and my assistant is on leave so I don't think it's a good time to—" Seungcheol tried to reason.

"He misses you, Cheol. Do you really want to make him wait another day?"

"I see. I'll be at the clinic tomorrow. Tell Chan I can't wait to see him." Seungcheol gave a sad smile keeping the call.


"Wait! I'm getting in!" Jeonghan exclaimed barely making it to the bus on time.

The doors opened for him, and he immediately entered. "S-Sorry. I just..."

"Hurry up and take a seat or stand." The bus driver sighed.

Jeonghan gulped taking an empty seat as he fell asleep for the ride walking up just in time for his stop.

"Ah! That's my stop!" He exclaimed yawing as he got off the bus thanking the bus driver who only nodded at him.

"Just a little more, Han." He encouraged himself to walk to his apartment before truly falling asleep.

Jisoo ended up calling him as he ended the elevator of his apartment complex.

"Hello? Jisoo?"

"How did it go?" Jisoo asked.

"The place was nice... But I didn't take it." Jeonghan walked out of the elevator.

"What? Why?"

"Long story. I don't really want to talk about it right now." Jeonghan entered his house.

"Okay, so what's your plan now?"

"We'll keep looking."

"But you have to move out by Tuesday."

"Monday actually..." Jeonghan dragged his feet to his room.

"I don't think we can find a new place by then. Can't you extend your stay there a little more?"

"I can't afford another month of rent on my own Jisoo." Jeonghan sighed sitting down on his bed. "Plus, the commute is exhausting."

"Fine, I'll ask around but if we don't find one, you're begging Mrs. Boo to take you back.

"We'll see." Jeonghan dropped the call.

Jeonghan looked sadly at his phone and then turned it off.

He looked at his pillows and sunk into them.

"Why did you have to leave?"




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It truly means a lot to me. 😊


Word Count: 801



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