EP 47

351 20 0

- Third Person POV -

"Mrs. Boo! Auntie!" Mingyu exclaimed waving frantically as he ran toward her near the garden in front of her house where she was picking weeds.

"Mingyu?" Mrs. Boo immediately recognized the familiar voice.

"Yup! The one and only!"

"Oh my! It really is you! When did you get back?" Mrs. Boo stood up smiling to give him a hug.

"Just yesterday. How have you been Auntie?"

"I'm doing okay, dear. Nothing much changed. I just got older." Mrs. Boo chuckled.

"Oh nonsense, you haven't aged a day!" Mingyu unhugged her with a big smile. "by the way I have a little something for you!"

"Oh, you shouldn't have! You're always so sweet!"

Seungcheol who came with Mingyu only stared up the house for Jeonghan.

"Say Auntie, is Han ready?" Seungcheol asked staring at the second floor as though he was in a trance.

"Right! You two have been going to work ever since he sprained his leg. Well, he left earlier this morning. It was Jisoo who picked him up. Didn't he tell you?" Mrs. Boo explained.

"Is that so..." Seungcheol looked at the ground sadly before he glared at Mingyu. "We'll just go ahead then..."

"W-What? Why are you looking at me like that?" Mingyu shrinking back.

"Alright, you two remember to drop when you're not busy okay?" Mrs. Boo smiled.

"Will do, Auntie!"


Jeonghan, Jisoo, and Seokmin were in Jisoo's car getting breakfast.

"Here you go, sir. Enjoy!" The lady handed them the coffees in their holders.

"Thanks!" Seokmin beamed pulling it into the car as they drove through the drive-through.

"So, you guys do this every morning?" Jeonghan asked sitting in the back seat right in the middle with Jisoo driving and Seokmin sitting in the passenger seat beside Jisoo.

"Only when there's time to spare." Seokmin sipped on his coffee handing Jeonghan his before helping Jisoo drink his.

"Yeah, but we usually eat in and have breakfast dates." Jisoo smiled looking at Jeonghan from the rear-view mirror.

"Sorry, I guess you can't do that today because of me." Jeonghan felt like a third wheel.

"Nah, don't say that it's nice that you could join us for a change. I'm kinda curious though, did anything happen with you and Cheol?" Jisoo asked.

"N-No I just sorta feel out-of-place being in the middle of two best friends."

"Oh, so you've met him?" Seokmin cocked an eyebrow.

"This is that Mingyu guy, right?" Jisoo continued driving.

"Yeah, they invited me to dinner and Mingyu was... Umm... How should I put it... He was... Alright." Jeonghan groaned looking away. "Min, I know you're good friends with him so I'd rather not comment any further."


"What's so funny?"

"I'm not surprised you also didn't like Cheol the first time, right? Mingyu is a lot like Cheol when you first meet him. Loug, gregarious, a little too friendly..." Seokmin laughed.

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