EP 42

386 26 3

- Third Person POV -

"Hi, grandma! My name is Chanie and I'm almost four!" Chan smiled.

"Surprise!" Seungcheol bent down beside Chan keeping a hand on his shoulder as he talked to his mother. "I bet you didn't see that coming, huh?"

"Yeah, I'm a dad and this is your grandson. Sorry, I didn't introduce him sooner." He smiled sadly looking down at his knees. "I don't know, I was a little nervous, I guess... It's silly really. Even though you're not really here anymore I was still worried about what you'd think. I can already imagine you saying... 'Who let this child have a child?!' or something like that. Haha!"

"Papa, can I talk to Grandma now? I have lots of stories to tell her!" Chan pouted looking up at Seungcheol.

"Haha! Was I taking too long? Go ahead. I'm sure she'd love to hear them." Seungcheol unconsciously chuckled at his behavior and scratched his head before freezing at Chan's words.

"Grandma, I had so much fun with Papa this week! I bet he's the best Papa in the world! We went hiking yesterday and I saw his old fort. It was really cool! We kind of got lost though, but he found us!" Chan exclaimed excitedly and threw his hands up with a grin.

Seungcheol listened to Chan and gulped realizing just how much Chan cared for him.

"He plays with me all the time and he even brings me to work! I get to see him treat people all the time! His bedtime stories are the coolest too! It has dragons, tigers... And... And knights! Last night's story was about aliens!" Chan counted on his fingers.

Seungcheol couldn't take it. Tears surfaced in his eyes and his heart clenched realizing just how much his and Chan's bond meant to him. He bit back his tears to look strong for Chan.

"Oooh! But he makes really bad lemonade, that's why I ask for water now. But I still think Papa is the coolest even though he can't cook yet!"

"Chan come here for a sec..." Seungcheol hugged Chan with tears in his eyes.

"Hm?" Chan looked up at Seungcheol's face and pushed him off cupping his face as he saw the held-back tears. "Tears? Did you get hurt?"

"N-No. It's nothing. I have something in my eye." Seungcheol lied with a smile as he gently placed his hand over Chan's. His son was there for him. And that was all he needed at the moment.

"Uncle said crying is alright! So, Papa can cry if he wants!" Chan chuckled pinching Seungcheol's cheeks so that the tears trapped in his eyes trickled down like a fountain.

"Yeah, I heard that too. He's right." Seungcheol smiled and hugged Chan again. "I'm just really happy, Chan. Sometimes people cry when they're happy too."

"Oh, okay!" Chan nodded with his face over Seungcheol's shoulder as he hugged the one arm, he was able to in his small size.

"Thank you, Chan." Seungcheol patted Chan's back twice as Chan pushed him away for a split second to look behind at Grandma's grave.

"I wish grandma could join the hug." Chan pouted.

"If she were here right now she probably wouldn't even let go of you." Seungcheol wiped off his tears. "It would've been awesome... But wherever she is right now, I'm sure she is happy because she has the best grandson."



"I love you, Grandma!"

"I love you mom!"

The seconds passed and Chan looked at the purple flowers a few feet away from them.

"Uwaah! Look, there are flowers over there!" Chan pointed at him with a jump. "Can I pick some more for Grandma?"

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