EP 13

637 42 2

- Third Person POV -

"Wash your hands first the sink is over there." Seungcheol showed Jeonghan the way.

"Okay." Jeonghan gulped doing as he was told.

He let the cold water sooth his temper and his hands.

Once Jeonghan was done he walked out of the bathroom and Seungcheol handed him a tissue to dry his hands.

"Find yourself a seat while I look for the bandaged okay." Seungcheol left Jeonghan in the living room. "It won't take long, just make yourself comfortable."

Jeonghan silently nodded and then looked around...

Seungcheol's house was a...

Mess... A very big mess...

There was a pizza box with several soda cans scattered across the table and his finished and delivered laundry dead on the couch.

Nevertheless, the couch was the only place he could sit so he did just that after moving a few of Seungcheol's clothes to make space for himself.

"Found them!" Seungcheol walked into the room with the first aid kit. "Okay, let's do this!"

He walked over to Jeonghan and got on his knee taking his hand gently as he looked at the wound once again.

"I'm going to clean it up with a saline solution so it might sting a bit." Seungcheol explained pulling out cotton from the kit.

"I know. Stop treating me like a kid and get on with it, Cheol." Jeonghan spoke in his monotone voice.

Seungcheol did just that and started disinfecting the wound as he looked at Jeonghan bite his lower lip and close his eyes looking away trying to seem brave.

"So... Are you okay?" Seungcheol managed to ask.

"O-Of course, why are you making a big deal out of a small cut anyway?" Jeonghan looked at Seungcheol's lowered head.

"No, not like that... I mean are you okay, okay? I'm really sorry about the picture earlier."

"A-Ah..." Jeonghan's voice cracked and the bottled emotions he had turned into streams of tears.

"Eh?" Seungcheol looked up to see Jeonghan's broken face.

Jeonghan was looking at nothing as the tears streamed down. He did not know why he was crying.

Seungcheol looked painfully at Jeonghan. It hurt him to see the beautiful male cry.

"I'll take the tears as a big no." Seungcheol scratched his neck looking away. "So uhh... D-Do you wanna talk about it? If there's one thing I know. It's that you shouldn't bottle up your feelings or else—"

"NO!" Jeonghan sobbed. "I...I don't wanna! You suck! You were bulling me just a few days ago. Why would I tell you anything?! Why do you even care about me you stupid man in a stupid dog costume! What's that even about!"

"Okay. Okay... I understand if you don't want to talk."

"No, you don't! Shut up!"

"Gotcha, I'll just leave you to do whatever makes you feel better. Okay?" Seungcheol stood up making his pose more iconic.


"Yeah! Crying is good. You're doing great!"

"Just go!"

"Just go!"

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