EP 56

307 18 0

- Third Person POV -

A few days later...

"Mingyu! Didn't you leave an hour ago?" Seungcheol looked at Mingyu walking across his house.

"I came back for the posters we'll be using for the event." Mingyu carried a box full of things.

"Oh yeah. It's tomorrow, right?" Seungcheol got up from his couch.


"You've been so busy lately we barely see each other even though we're in the same house."

"True, when I first proposed the idea, I had no idea it would take this much work." Mingyu chuckled. "There's still so much to do. I hope I can finish everything by today."

"Of course we can! We're closing early today to help out. So don't worry, okay?"

"Seriously? That's great! I'll wait for you then!"

"Yup! We'll be out by 2 pm!"

"Alright! See ya!"


"Sorry Mr. Wang, the clinic will be closing early today. Is it okay if I list you down for tomorrow afternoon?" Seokmin asked on a call with one of the patients. "Yes, that's the earliest slot I can give you."

"I'm going first." Seungcheol whispered to Seokmin.

Seokmin smiled giving a thumbs up.

Seungcheol walked out of the clinic as he got a call from Mrs. Baek.

"Hello? Mrs. Baek?" Seungcheol asked listening to her. "I see so Chan's already home. Does that mean I can pick him up anytime?"

He paused listening to her before speaking. "Well, we have this community event happening tomorrow morning and I really want Chan to be there. It'd be great if I could get him here by tonight to avoid the early trip tomorrow... Yeah, I'll drive there right now!"

"I can? Thank you, Mrs. Baek! Tell Chan I'm on my way!" Seungcheol cut the call. "So tonight, it is..."


"Hm... I'm not too sure..." Jeonghan judged Mingyu's banner-hanging ability. "Yeah, it looks bad. Let's put it in the front."

"What?!" Aren't we moving it because you said it looked awkward there?" Mingyu looked at him in shock trying to balance his footing on the chair.

"Well, it's worse here. At least now we know it looks the least bad in front." Jeonghan pointed to the front of the stage in the park where they planned to hold the event.

"Really? You're not just a bully?" No way! I'm simply a perfectionist! And I'm no bully! My Mom says I'm the nicest out of all my siblings~"

"Haha! Ten remind me to avoid your siblings at all costs."


Jeonghan's phone buzzed with a message as did Mingyu's.

(Jeonghan's message)

    - They told me I could pick up Chan today. That means it's tonight. Really reaallllyy nervous.

"Hey, I just got a message from Cheol. He says something came up and he'll be late. Did you get it too?" Mingyu asked keeping a hand on Jeonghan's shoulder.

"O-Oh yeah... Same message."

"Do you think he's okay?"

"Yeah! But I better check up on him to make sure!" Jeonghan scratched his head nervously.

"H-Huh? You don't think it's anything serious, right?! Maybe it's better if I go with you?"

"N-No! I'm sure it's nothing! It's best if you stay here and wait for Min and Jisoo! They wouldn't know what to do on their own!"

"U-Umm... Okay..." Mingyu gulped feeling like something was wrong. "Keep me updated, alright?"

"I will!" Jeonghan ran away.

"..." Mingyu was left all alone.


"Phew! Just in time! I was afraid you already left!" Jeonghan barged into Seungcheol's car.

"Han?!" Seungcheol looked surprised.

"I promised, didn't I?" Jeonghan smiled. "Just say the word and I'll be there."

Seungcheol was more than happy to have Jeonghan by his side.


"Blocked?" Yeon-ee looked at Jeonghan's social media which was no longer accessible for her.

"Yeon-ee, there's someone outside who wants to see you." A woman walked into the room.

"Oh, who is it?" Yeon-ee asked sitting in the clinic's lobby with no one around.

"No ides but the staff said they've seen him hanging around outside a few times. Perhaps a new boyfriend you haven't told us about?"

"Shouldn't we be worried about some stranger lurking outside?!" Her eyes shot open. "And what you're saying is impossible... I'm not seeing anyone right now. I don't think I will be for a long while."

She walked outside to greet this said stranger.

"YO!" The stranger yelled with his flaming red helmet on.

"Oh! It's you!"

A man stood leaning on his black bike with short yellow hair.

A man stood leaning on his black bike with short yellow hair

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It truly means a lot to me. 😊


Word Count: 794



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