EP 54

332 18 1

- Third Person POV -

"Han, I was wondering if you could help me with something." Seungcheol gulped. "Though it's okay if you don't want to. I understand if you don't feel comfortable helping out with something so um... Personal."

"Excuse me, you don't get to decide that for me." Jeonghan sighed. "Just tell me what you need help with. You're making me nervous here."

"W-Well, it's about Mingyu and Chan, they haven't met each other yet. Mingyu has no idea that I have a son. I don't know how he'll take the news. It would be great if you could be there when I introduce them to each other."

"Oh... Phew! Gosh I thought it was something illegal."


"I thought you wanted me to help you ditch the police again."

"Haha! Sorry, it's not that exciting."

"Sirs, your meal." The waitress placed the food on the table before leaving.

"Yay! Thank you!" Jeonghan an exclaimed. "It looks so good! Let's eat before it gets cold.

"So, what do you think?" Seungcheol asked.

"It's delicious! What's it called again?"

"No, not the food. I mean the introducing Chan to Mingyu."

"Hmph—" Jeonghan finished chewing. "Umm... It's not that I don't want to... You see, something like that is sort of a big deal."

"You don't have to do anything. I just... Want you to be there with me."

"Still maybe someone who is close to both of you would be a better fit? How about Min? Mrs. Boo? I just feel like they're more appropriate compared to the new guy who just moved here a few months ago."

"New guy? Han. You're my friend. And honestly, it's only you that I want there with me. No one else." Seungcheol was serious.

"H-How could you say that with a straight face?" Jeonghan blushed looking away.

"Well, it's the truth... Because I'm having a hard time being honest with the people who have been with me ever since... I know they mean well but sometimes it's like all they see is the young Cheol who keeps making one bad decision after another. I don't blame them. They've helped me out of holes I've dug myself into countless times and I'm grateful for that. It's just that sometimes I feel like they're already preparing for my next big mistake...

"I've been trying so hard to prove myself that when I found out about Chan, the first thing that hit me was the fear of people thinking that I messed up again. I actually considered never showing up and just pretending that I never heard the news. It took a lot of courage to just get into that car and meet Chan..."

"But after seeing my son's face for the first time, I've realized that there are bigger things than the fear that's been controlling me. But I'm not completely over it, I'm still scared their words would bring down the little courage I tried so hard to build. I'm honestly just doing my best to be a good father to Chan right now...

"He's the best thing that's ever happened to me and that's all I want them to see. That night when you told me I was a good dad. It's like a weight was lifted off my shoulders. For the first time, I believed that I could actually take this on. I've realized how much I needed someone, even just one person to reassure me that I'm not doing too bad. And you're that person Han. You make me brave..."

Seungcheol snapped out of his speaking trance as he looked up at Jeonghan's teary eyes. "Ah! But I shouldn't be so pushy! You already said you didn't want to! I just wanted to explain why I asked you specifically! It's okay really!"

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