EP 48

365 23 0

- Third Person POV -

At Seungcheol's clinic.

"Come in, Mrs. Patel, please take a seat." Seungcheol looked through his files.


"Yes, please help me cure my boredom, Doctor!" Mingyu walked into the room.

"Minyu? Where's the patient?" Seungcheol looked up at Mingyu.

"She went to the restroom just before she was called. So, I took the chance to talk to you." Mingyu looked at his fingers.

"I see..." Seungcheol looked back at his files.

"Jeez, you should have told me I need to book an appointment just to get a glimpse of you."

"Well, you got to see Min, didn't you?"

"Yeah, but he's just as busy. Anyway, it's 20 minutes past your closing time. Shouldn't you be getting ready to leave?"

"There are 2 patients left. Why turn them away when they're already here?"

"You know... If you just become a concierge doctor and join our team then that wouldn't be a problem." Mingyu leaned on the table.

"You're starting to sound like a broken record man."

"Well, one of the reasons why I came home is to convince you. Yea, I take care of the business side of the company but I also work alongside physicians... Most of them joined because their traditional practice burned them out."

"Still the concept of luxury healthcare only for those who can afford it doesn't sit with well with me."

"This is about you Cheol. Think about yourself for once. Don't you want a life outside your work?"

"I-I do..."

"Who doesn't right?" Mingyu took Seungcheol's hand. "I make it sound way too easy, I know. Moving and changing the way you work is a big task but I'm here to help you out!"

"Oh, it's more complicated than you think." Seungcheol pulled his hand away and looked to his side.

"There is nothing Mingyu can't work out, remember that!"

"Doctor Choi?" A woman entered the room.

"Ah! Time to go!" Mingyu stood up. "I'm gonna go for a walk around town to kill time."

"Alright." Seungcheol smiled.

"Hm?" Mingyu looked out of Seungcheol's window watching Jeonghan closing up the clinic. "On second thought, I think I'd rather go for a drive. Can I borrow your car?"

"Sure, what time will you be back?"

"I'll be out for a while. You can make your way back home without the car, right? It's not too far."

"Wait what?"

"See ya!" Mingyu ran away with Mingyu's keys.


Jeonghan stepped out locking the clinic.

"Are you really fine without crutches?" Jisoo asked.

"Yeah, Cheol said to stop using them as soon as the pain is gone. I just have to be careful." Jeonghan smiled.


"Bestie! Wanna have some fun?" Mingyu pulled the car near Jeonghan.

"What? No!" Jeonghan yelled.

"Come on didn't we just make up this morning?" Mingyu got out of the car and walked to Jeonghan leaning on the car.

"Only because Cheol was there, I didn't want to upset him!"

"Don't you think this had been going on long enough? It's about time you started acting civil." Mingyu crossed his arms.

"I just don't like you, Isn't that enough reason for you?"

"Tsk! What do you even get from acting so salty all the time? Alright, let's try a different approach then." Mingyu sighed and smiled. "I need your professional assistance, Doctor Chio. Surely a veterinarian wouldn't reject someone who needs him."

"..." Jeonghan pondered over his thoughts and then smirked. "Oh? I have different rates after work hours. $500 upfront, you taking it?"

"Deal!" Mingyu fished out $500 waving it in front of Jeonghan's face.

"Huh?" Jeonghan was shocked, to say the least. "D-Do y-you think I'm a person who can be easily swayed by money?!"

"I'd pay any price for a top-notch vet like you!" Mingyu smirked opening the car door. "Going once... Going twice..."

"Darn it! Gimme that!" Jeonghan snatched the money. "Money doesn't grow on trees!"

"There we go, what a good doctor!" Mingyu chuckled watching Jeonghan sit in the car.

"Where are we even going?" Jeonghan asked as Mingyu closed the door for him taking his seat in front of the driving wheel.

"I actually haven't planned that far ahead yet."

"I swear to go. If we get there and there are no actual patients, I'm walking out with your money."

"Don't worry, I'll think of something!"

"Those rates are per hour by the way." Jeonghan wished to suck Mingyu's income dry.

"Ah yes, who doesn't love a business-minded man?" Mingyu chuckled.


Seungcheol looked out of the window to see Jeonghan and Mingyu driving away.

He did not know what took over him...

But he felt...






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It truly means a lot to me. 😊


Word Count: 825



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