EP 84

165 14 0

- Third Person POV -


"Is it Papa? Is Papa calling?"

"..." Nadia walked up to her phone looking at the contact. Her hands trembled.

"NADIA!" Chan's grandpa barged into the room.

Nadia gasped looking at him.

"Who's calling?" He spoke in a threatening voice.

Nadia immediately pressed the red button canceling the call. "O=Oh, just that store I used to buy from. T-They keep calling about promotions."

"Let me see."


"I wouldn't do this if you hadn't broken my trust, Nadia. I had one simple request for you... But there you went letting my grandson go with that pathetic excuse of a man the moment I turned my back. How stupid do you have to be to not understand something so simple?" He walked up to her holding out his hand. "Hand it over. This better not be who I think it is... The one listed on top is this it?"

He asked looking at the name that read. 'Herbal Remedies'

"I told you it's he store I used to buy tea and vitamins from dear."

"Tsk, this woman..." He mumbled under his breath. "Just tell them to stop calling, it's not that hard to do."

"Y-Yes, I'll do that the next time they call."

"Here you go." He handed her her phone back. "Still, I don't think you fully grasp the situation here so let me spell it out for you. The first time you contacted him, I let it go. You did it a second time and yet I can still somehow forgive you. But don't you ever think you could get away with it a third time...

"You're old, Nadia. You don't have anyone or anywhere else to go to even your own daughter left you. I'm the only one you've got so have a little more respect, alright? Don't test me..." He clicked his tongue and walked up to Chan. "And you Chan... You should stop sulking so much. After a while, you wouldn't even remember him."

He turned around walking away as he slammed the door on his way out.

"Grandma, is Grandpa angry again? Is it because of Papa?" Chan asked with a sad expression.

"Don't worry about it, Chan. Sometimes people say mean things when they're having a bad day. Just ignore everything your grandpa says about your Papa. What's more important is everything your Papa told you in his voice message. Don't ever forget that okay." She smiled as Chan nodded before she walked over to the kitchen counter sighing. "Thank god."

'Good thing I changed Cheol's name to that random store. I have to be more careful. Especially if I want to meet up with him.' She thought gulping.


"Soonyoung! There you are!" Mingyu grabbed Soonyoung's shoulders.

"Mingyu! You're early..."

"I was just passing by when I saw your motorcycle, meeting up a little earlier wouldn't hurt, right?" Mingyu smiled. "Did you come out of the store just now?"

"Y-Yeah, I was looking for a few things." Soonyoung was bad a lying especially when it was Mingyu.

"You know I'm friends with the owners. Did you see them? Maybe I should go say hi?"

"NO! There's no one there! Just the cat!" Soonyoung pulled away from Mingyu only to pull him in the other direction from the store.

"Eh?! Who's watching the store?"

"Come one! We have to go!"

"Why the rush? Where are we going anyway?" Mingyu smirked.

"Uhmm... Good question. Wait, you're the one who wanted to meet up today!" Soonyoung stopped turned around and pointed at Mingyu.

"Ah~ That's right!"

"Then why don't you answer your own question!"

"I don't really have anything planned. It's a free day, is all." Mingyu blushed scratching the back of his head. "I'm done packing and just counting the days down. So, I thought I could help you with whatever you're doing! You seem so busy lately, maybe I can help even just a little?"

"You can't even go two days without me?" Soonyoung smirked. "Clingy boyfriend behavior much?"

"H-Huh?" Mingyu's face turned red.

"Anyway, lucky for you I'm done with errands, so you have me all to yourself for the rest of the day." Soonyoung smiled turning back around as they reached his motorcycle. 'I have to put the party preparations on hold for now. It's too risky!'

"Umm... Soonyoung wait. On second thought, maybe we should call it off."

"What? Why?"

"No, I get it... I'm a little too much sometimes. People have told me time and time again, but I still keep forgetting. Look, you deserve time off for yourself too."

"Dude, you took clingy boyfriend joke way too seriously!"

"No, you're right. I drag you off somewhere almost every other day and—"

"STOP!" Soonyoung exclaimed handing Mingyu the tiger-colored helmet. "Stop talking nonsense and take this."


"One last chance to f*uck around before you go home? There's no way I'm passing that up." Soonyoung huffed putting on his helmet. As he caressed Mingyu's cheek. "Also... you were never too much... At least not for me. I quite like it actually. I don't want to hear any more of that got it? Come on. Hop on."

"Alright, then I guess we're back to the first question. Where are we going?" Mingyu got on the motorcycle behind Soonyoung.

"No Idea! Let's see where to road takes us!"

"Haha! I love it! Let's go!"




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It truly means a lot to me. 😊


Word Count: 948



Ask for permission before translating!


~ Carat_Official

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