EP 41

479 25 5

- Third Person POV -

"Jisoo. I think I need your advice." Jeonghan gulped.

"Sure, what's it about?" Jisoo scanned his slightly blushing face with a twitching eye. He wanted to take Seokmin's advice and not get truly involved but... A little advice wouldn't hurt.

"It's about Cheol..." Jeonghan poked his fingers together looking away. "Ummm... Y-You see... I realized something recently..."

"You into him?" Jisoo smirked before Jeonghan could speak.

"I really like him—" Jeonghan's voice came out as a whisper under Jisoo's words.

A second passed and Jeonghan realized what Jisoo had just asked. His head snapped up looking at Jisoo. "W-What?! How did you know?!"

"It's obvious that you've warmed up to him really quickly." Jisoo pulled Jeonghan's chair and sat down facing him with a chuckle. "At first I thought it was just friendly but lately I've noticed that you've been giving him heart eyes every chance you get."

"So uhh... What do you think? I was expecting your usual overdramatic reaction, y'know." Jeonghan looked at him in confusion.

"Han's love life usually calls for reasonable and logical Jisoo. I'm trying to channel him." Jisoo joined his hands together and ripped them apart the next second. "But don't get me wrong! Crushes make life more fun and Cheol's pretty cool! Good for you!"

"Yeah, I'm thinking of asking him out soon." Jeonghan curled his hair behind his ear.

"W-Woah there, lover boy, soon? How soon? Why the rush?"

"Why not? You and Seokmin started dating the same day you met."

"Well yeah, not to offend you but I don't have six years of emotional baggage behind me." Jisoo became serious. "Sorry, I know it's not what you wanted to hear. I just don't want my friend making big decisions without thinking it through first. Are you sure about your feelings?"

"I know what you're worried about, you think this has more to do with Yeon-ee than Cheol."

"Look you even have all these books about moving on." Jisoo looked sadly over at the four books on sadness which were all about how to cope with a breakup. "Have you read all of them?"

"Yes, I've read them. And no, it's not a rebound. This is not me just trying to fill in the gaps Yeon-ee left with Cheol so don't worry." Jeonghan smiled. "Cheol is completely different. I've never been this honest with anyone even though there's the fear of being completely vulnerable to him, my desire to be close to him overpowers that."

"Okay, if you say your feelings are genuine then I'm not gonna question it but don't you think this is going too fast? You've barely settled in." Jisoo moved the chair closer to Jeonghan.

"Okay, let's say you don't have feelings for Yeon-ee anymore, that still doesn't change the fact that you've been hurt... Wouldn't it be better to let the wounds heal first?" Jisoo entangled his hands with Jeonghan's to comfort him.

"Today, next month, a year from now. What difference does it make?" Jeonghan bit his lip gulping.

"It's your sense of urgency that worries me, Han." Jisoo looked at him with deep worry. "Tell me, why do you need it to happen right away?"

Jeonghan pulled his hands away and hugged himself.

"I-I don't know. It's hard to put it into words... I feel like I need to chase after something. Like something bad is going to happen if I don't." Jeonghan trembled in fear. "I-I can't put my finger on it but it's like... ...Like I'm gonna run out of time soon. For what exactly... I have no idea."

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