EP 12

612 40 2

- Third Person POV -

Jisoo and Seokmin cleaned the inside of Jeonghan's new room.

Jisoo cleaned the mirror.

Seokmin was pretending to sweep the floor as he stared at Jisoo as if he were in a trance.

'Huh?' Jisoo noticed the soft stare as he looked at the culprit in the mirror.

Seokmin was blushing.

"Yeah?" Jisoo turned around.

"A-Ah!" Seokmin was scared to death. "I w-was just... ...C-Checking if you needed help over there!"

"I'm actually almost done~" Jisoo smiled. "Thanks to you guys, Han will be able to finish moving in today! He might not say it but I'm sure he's really grateful."

"I see. You two seem very close. How long have you been working together?" Seokmin pouted turning around to not show his sad face.

"We've been friends since middle school, actually." Jisoo chuckled. "Then I worked at their joint clinic for four years. Now that he opened his solo clinic, I've decided to follow him."

"Oh, wow, we're kind of the same..." Seokmin turned back around smiling.

"Oh yeah? With Cheol?"

"Yeah. I've known him since kindergarten and he just sort of dragged me along."

"What? That long?!"

"Yeah, you know how small neighborhoods are. I live just a few blocks away, so we went to the same schools, and a few other friends." Seokmin reminded his memories. "Ah! Actually, Mrs. Boo's son was also our friend. And we were up here a lot back then. I wonder if it's still here... The picture."

Seokmin walked to the bookshelf as he scanned the area. "Let's see... Well, what do you know? Here it is!"

"What's that?" Jisoo asked seeing Seokmin hold a frame.

"It's from third grade, I can't believe it's still here!" Seokmin walked to Jisoo showing him the picture.

"Oh my gosh! Is that Seungcheol?" Jisoo chuckled.


"He looks almost like Chan!"

"Haha! Right?"

In the picture stood Seungcheol in the left corner with a handsome black-haired boy standing to his right leaning on his shoulder.

"Who's that one?" Jisoo asked pointing to the black-haired boy.

"That's Mingyu. He's the closest to Cheol. He works overseas now but still comes over often."

Seokmin then pointed toward the adorable blond boy who winked.

"This is Seungkwan, Mrs. Boo's son. I haven't seen him since he got married." Seokmin smiled.

Jisoo looked at him and then the last person who stood beside Seungkwan.

"Ah... And the last one..." Jisoo smiled.

"U-mmm..." Seokmin froze scratching his neck. "W-Well, the last one... Me... ...That was me."

And there he was, little Seokmin standing with a wig he had been forced to wear because of a bet he lost that day.

"I see... Handsome guy." Jisoo smirked.

"E-Eh?" Seokmin blushed looking up at Jisoo.

"Hehe~" Jisoo made a heart smiling at Seokmin.

"Ack!" Seokmin had just fallen harder for Jisoo. "A c-cute guy... Called me handsome. I-Is this real life?"

Seokmin pinched his cheek.

"Well, someone had to do it! Just starting won't get you anywhere. Y'know?" Jisoo chucked.

...And with a pause...

"So do you wanna go out?" Jisoo asked.

"Wait! Let me be the one to ask you out at least..." Seokmin exclaimed feeling embarrassed.

"Haha! Go ahead." Jisoo laughed.

"J-Jisoo, will you go out on a date with me?" Seokmin closed his eyes and clenched his hands.

"Of course, Seok." Jisoo smiled seeing Seokmin raise his head to look at him. "That sounds lovely."

"S-So Friday after work, is that okay?"


"SEOKMIN!" Seungcheol yelled standing near the window.

A nerve popped in Seokmin's brain, and his eyes twitched as he harshly opened the window looking down at Seungcheol and Jeonghan.

"What the heck, Cheol?! Stop ruining my moment!"

"Oh? Were you in the middle of something?" Seungcheol smirked before scratching his head. "Just wanted to let you guys know we're going home for a bit. Han hurt his hand. I'm just gonna bandage him up."

"His hand?" Seokmin questioned.

"What happened?" Jisoo came standing beside Seokmin.

"It's just a minor cut. It'll only take a minute." Seungcheol assured.

"Okay! We'll take care of the rest of the boxes." Jisoo spoke.

"Thank you!"

"Han..." Jisoo looked at Jeonghan sadly. "I hope he's okay."


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It truly means a lot to me. 😊


A/N: Damn, Jisoo, and Seokmin moved so fast!




Word Count: 755



Ask for permission before translating!



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