EP 70

318 15 0

- Third Person POV -

"What did Yeon-ee tell you?" Jeonghan asked.

Soonyoung froze remembering their conversation.


"I need your help, Soonyoung. When you see him, I'm sure he'll tell you about the things I did... And you'll probably take his side of the story, he's your brother after all. But his truth is different from mine. I'm hurting just as much. All I ask... Is a moment with him." Yeon-ee stood clenching her hand as she sadly looked up at the sky away from Soonyoung. "Just give me a chance to get my peace back... I think it's what we both need."


"SOONYOUNG!" Jeonghan exclaimed snapping Soonyoung out of his memory. "Hey! You okay?"

"Ah!" Soonyoung looked up at Jeonghan startled.

"I just don't understand why you'd defend her after all I said." Jeonghan sighed.

"N-Nothing, Hyung!" Soonyoung stuttered. "It was.. uh... I misunderstood! I guess I felt bad because you've been together for so long I tried to be the hero who could fix it for you or something. M-My emotions got the better of me and I sad things without thinking. I didn't even think about how much my words hurt you. I'm so sorry."

Soonyougn took hold of Joenghan's hands with a sad smile. "Lok, I'm just glad you're doing well here. When I saw you that everyone today, the smile you had on was different I can just tell that you're doing better here. S-So keep moving forward, okay? You don't need to look back! Just forget everything and start anew, I'll be here every step of the way!"

"Heh~ Did Mingyu teach you to say that? It sounds like the kind of sappy stuff he'd say." Joenghan smirked.


"But, if you really mean it. Then thank you. That was sweet, but weird coming from you."


"Ah! That must be Cheol!" Jeonghan perked up letting go of Soonyoung as he rushed to greet Seungcheol.

"..." Soonyoung stood silent not knowing how to truly react.


"I wonder if Han is with his brother. Soonyoung was it?" Seungcheol raised an eyebrow standing in front of his door.

"Soonyoung..." Mingyu gulped remembering. "THE HOTEL! Our things are still in the hotel room!"

"So dramatic..." Seungcheol chuckled.

"How could I forget! I need to check out!" Mingyu face palmed himself.

"I'll go with you!" Soonyoung burst outside walking to Mingyu. "S-Some of my things are there too! Let's go!"

"Chill, man. Here, just take my car." Seungcheol tossed his car key to Mingyu.

"Ah! Thanks!" Mingyu carefully caught the key and turned to Soonyoung "It's okay, I can just get your things for you."

"No, I insist! Ans you wouldn't know where they are anyway!" Soonyoung nudged Mingyu forward.

"Don't stay there for too long, okay? Make sure you'll manage to come back!" Jeonghan waved to them.

"Is that a threat, Han?" Mingyu chuckled turning around.

"Hyung!" Soonyoung blushed.

"You'll find out if you take more than an hour!" Jeonghan cracked his knuckles as he watched them drive away before he turned to Seungcheol. "1000 Won says they'll come back past midnight."

"You're on! I think Mingyu developed a healthy fear of you during his stay." Seungcheol chuckled.

"Yeah, he better."


"From what I remember, you didn't bring anything to the hotel room." Mingyu drove and looked straight ahead through the dark road. "Tell me, did you just want a quick ticket out of there? What happened? Come on, spill the beans."

Soonyoung did not answer looking out of the window.

"Soonyoung?" Migyu blinked glancing at Soonyoung.


- Seungcheol POV -

"You two seem close again, I'm guessing it went well?" I smiled still standing with Jeonghan outside.

"Yeah..." His voice gradually faded away and I could only stare at him. "But half the time I feel like he's just avoiding my questions. I got an apology and well wishes from him..."

How can someone be so beautiful?


I turned crimson remembering today's events.

'Ah, right... Earlier today I...'

I looked at my hand remembering the warmth of his fingers intertwined with mine.

'His hand and mine...'

'But he's acting so calm like it never happened. Did he not like it? Or was it just not a big deal for him? Did he even get the message?'

"CHEOL!" I snapped out of my thoughts at his voice. "Are you even listening?"

"Ah! Sorry! What did you say?" I apologized looking at him.

"So, you really were just spacing out? I said I need to go prepare Soonyoung's bed."

"No! Don't! Not yet!" I don't know what took over me as I took hold of his hand. "S-Stay, just for a little longer... Please?"




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It truly means a lot to me. 😊


Word Count: 878



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