EP 68

402 18 3

- Third Person POV -

"...I think I saw her earlier this year." Mingyu looked at Seungcheol.

"What?" Seungcheol did not want to believe his words.

"It was a medical conference I went to a month back before I flew back here... I was there to represent our company. I saw her from the corner of my eyes and thought she looked familiar. She noticed me staring and looked genuinely surprised to see me. She then turned away and hurriedly left. At that time, I couldn't remember who she was exactly...

"I wanted to approach her, but I didn't get to see her for the rest of the evening. Now that you've mentioned Lisa, it finally clicked that it was her who resembled the woman I saw. Still, it was a nationwide conference so it could just be someone who looks like her. Then again, it was obvious that she recognized me so it's can't just be a random stranger. You know what? I'll have someone look for her and—"

"Mingyu stop."


"You're doing it again." Seungcheol sighed.

"O-Oh... I'm sorry..."

"Yeah, it's alright."

Mingyu sighed. "What do you want to do, Cheol?"

"At first, my priority was to find her because I wanted an explanation for Chan and for myself. Also, if she isn't here then I'd have to do it on my own... I just wanted to avoid that. But now, I'm more comfortable with the idea of being a single parent. If she came back now, what would happen? What if her coming back makes it harder for me to be with Chan? She never wanted me to know about Chan in the first place."

"Do you have any ideas why she'd want to hide Chan from you?"

"Three years ago, when she found out she was pregnant, I was the first one she called. I told her that it was her decision to make. Whatever she choose I'd do my part. But instead, she wanted to know if I really wanted to be a father and if I was ready to support a child. I don't like were both just starting out with our careers. 'I'm not ready, Lisa.' 'Me neither.' She said she wouldn't go through with it. Clear and simple. It was decided through that less than 10-minute phone call...

"After a while, she just stopped contacting me. We weren't in a relationship or anything... No... We were barely even friends, so I didn't mind. I didn't think much of it and just went on with my life. I just don't understand, was he testing me? Changed her mind but because I wasn't ready I didn't deserve to know. Why would she suddenly leave like that?"

"Cheol..." Mingyu kept a hand on his Seungcheol's shoulder.

"I want answers, but I can't prioritize that right now. Her reasons won't change anything that's already been done."

"So, what's the first thing on your list?"

"Chan... ...I need to establish paternity and get custody of him. No more waiting. I can't let his grandparents take total control of everything, I'm his father. But if there's a way for you to confirm that it's Lisa without her finding out, that would be great. Please don't do anything beyond that. I want to at least know that she's safe."

"Alright, I understand..." Mingyu stood up and held his hand out for Seungcheol. "So, let's go back? It's getting late."

"Yeah..." Seungcheol stood up with Mingyu's help.

"You've got this Cheol. You're doing great." Mingyu smiled. "And help is just around the corner if you need it okay?"

"Thanks, Mingyu." Seungcheol smiled back.

"Anyway, should I get Chan something from the store on the way? What does he like?"

"Oy! Don't spoil him too much."

"Hahaha! I need to be the favorite Uncle!"

"Don't bother, someone already beat you to it."

"Han? Haha! We'll see about that."


"Ice cream?" Jeonghan offered a cone to Soonyoung who carried sleeping Chan in his arms.

"Wait, my hands are a little..." Soonyoung shifted Chan to his right hand.

"More for me then."

"No! I want some too!" Soonyoung pouted.

"Here, bite." Jeonghan held the ice cream close to Soonyoung's face and booped it.

"ACK!" Soonyoung now had ice cream in his nose. "Hyung..."

"Hahahahahahaha! Jeonghan had his laugh pulling away the ice cream to look at his masterpiece. "I can't believe you still fell for it! I used to do that all the time, remember?"

"Hyung why are you acting like nothing happened? It's making me feel bad... A-Aren't you mad at me because of last night?"

"Oh, I am. Even more furious now because I recognize that shirt."

"W-Wah!" Soonyoung blushed.

"But we're not children anymore... One day of sulking is more than enough, don't you think? Time to try again."





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It truly means a lot to me. 😊


Word Count: 850



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