EP 85

167 12 0

- Third Person POV -

"We're finally here!" Soonyoung exclaimed breathing in the salty sea air at the beach.

"Eughh..." Mingyu got off the motorcycle feeling as though his stomach was about to flip over.

"You're so dramatic, I wasn't even going that fast!"

"You were over the speed limit the whole time!"

"You should be used to it by now!"

"M-My legs feel like jello..." Mingyu was barely able to walk onto the beach.

"Come on! Pull yourself together, it's just a few steps away!"

"I will! Just let me breathe for a second!"

They laughed looking at their surroundings. The clear beach and the suffering boards aligned to the side with a lighthouse in the far distance. It was beautiful.

"WOW!" They exclaimed in unison.

"It's been a while since my last visit to the beach!" Soonyoung chuckled.

"Same, it's beautiful!" Mingyu took off his shoes. "The three-hour ride was worth it!"


"Alright! Let's go!"

"Huh? Where?"

"Into the water duh! I didn't almost die in your motorcycle just to stare at the sea and go home!" Mingyu laughed waving his hands.

"W-We don't have spare clothes remember?"

"We can at least dip our feet, right? It'll dry off before it's time to go home."

"Y-You go ahead I'll stay here." Soonyoung gulped looking away.

"What? Why?" Mingyu pouted.

"I can't swim, and the sea just sort of freaks me out. I mean I like looking at it but I don't really feel like getting close."

"Hey, we can go together. I won't let go, promise!" Mingyu smiled holding out his hand.

Soonyoung folded his hands smirking. "The famous smile paired with sweet words, huh? Ain't no way I'm falling for—"

"HA! CAUGHT YOU OFF GUARD!" Mingyu pulled Soonyoung's hand and picked him up Princess carrying him.

"ACK! MINGYU!" Soonyoung panicked wrapping his arms around Mingyu's neck for his dear life. "Mingyu! I swear to god if you drop me you're walking home later!"

"I won't! Open your eyes!" Mingyu laughed stepping into the water.

"At least let me take off my boots first!"

"Haha! Okay, okay. Then you're going back into the water with me!"


The time passed as the sun went down and Soonyoung and Mingyu lay on the beach looking up at the sky in peace.

"Hey, it's getting late... Let's head back." Mingyu sat up looking down at Soonyoung.

"What is if I told you I want to stay here forever?" Soonyoung asked closing his eyes.

"Hmm... Then I'll probably miss my flight which will be very inconvenient for me and a handful of other people." Mingyu shrugged getting ready to stand up. "Come on, before it gets too dark."

"Wait..." Soonyoung reached out and tugged on Mingyu's shirt. "Okay... But first, riddle me this. What happens to friends-with-benefits when you remove the benefits? Y'know when one of them is an ocean away. What happens then? You should know, you're the smart one."

"Simple, they'll remain very good friends." Mingyu smiled.

"A-Are you 100% sure, though? Is that really all there is? Friends?" Soonyoung sat up. "Because honestly, I'm a little uncertain now.

"I'm wondering if you are too." Soonyoung closed the distance between them.

They kissed only to part after a good 30 seconds.

"Y-You still haven't answered my question, Mingyu." Soonyoung looked down fidgeting with his fingers.

"S-Soonyoung..." Mingyu mumbled tracing his lips. "..."

"It's okay, no need to say it out loud. Your silence and hesitation answered for you. I have my answer too. We can leave it at that. You've been in a lot of serious relationships before. I'm sure you've always been certain of your feelings for each one of them and none of it had the kind of obscurity that we have now."

"Yeah... But aside from being a little bolder, I was more selfish back then too. I jumped in as soon as I felt it. I was aware of my tendencies and yet still made promises that there would be no one else but them, that they'd be the last. I've hurt a lot of people in the process, myself included. I can't undo the damage I've done to them nor give back the time I've wasted. Sigh. I guess you could say I'm more of a coward now but it's for the best. I'm scared of making any more promises I can't keep."

"I see alright then..."


"Hey, hey!" Don't look so down! I get it I really do. Isn't that the point of this whole thing anyway? We wanted to dodge all that complicated shit. Yeah, it's easier like this." Soonyoung chuckled standing up. "Anyway, why don't you grab something to eat while I get the motorcycle ready?"

"Okay..." Mingyu stood up too. "You want that ice cream we saw earlier?"

"Yep! Chocolate please!"

Mingyu walked away and Soonyoung stood there for a few seconds staring at the ground.

Unknowingly tears streamed out of his eyes as he bit his lower lip.

"Ah... Crap..."




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It truly means a lot to me. 😊


Word Count: 880



Ask for permission before translating!


~ Carat_Official

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